Ahh, you never forget you first map, do you? No, seriously, do you? 'Cuz I was hoping to remember this one for a while. This is Cyclone (I know, one of the most overused names in the galaxy... hey, at least it doesn't have the word "shadow" in it somewhere), a semi-symmetrical map made mostly for team games. As this is my first Reach forge, it's kind of in a beta stage now, until some people dl it and playtest it (if you want to playtest with me, feel free to add me) but it is fully functional for team slayer, oddball, territories, crazy king, and neutral flag. I'm mainly looking for feedback right now, before I clean it up and submit it for the Bungie contest, so constructive criticism is appreciated greatly! ...For those of you who don't know, that means "Oh you could change this to make it better" and NOT "tihs map SUXXXX" or things of the sort. I put a lot of effort into it, and I know weapon spawns don't look great and a few things are off, but in this stage of development, I thought it was more important to get a feel for what needs to be changed before I made it all pretty... I mean, who wants to change pretty? Hopefully it flows well enough that it won't require any major tweaks, but that's all up to you guys! Now enough talk, let's rock the pics! Uploaded with ImageShack.us Hey, thanks for checkin' out my map. Please be gentle with your reviews! UPDATE: Changed orange effect for New Gen, easier to navigate; set all objective markers to game-specific; fixed one-way shields at top level, fixing a jumping issue I found.
Just checked it out, it was okay. The version I played was very dark, contrary to the pictures you posted. If that's a kind of feature of the map you are going for, I would say right now its just too dark, especially on the bottom floor, try and tone it down a bit. Also the weapon placements were a bit strange e.g. the dmr and ar spawning next to each other in a lonesome corner of the map. Try and make weapons a bit more spread out, so they are available at various places on the map. Other than that, pretty good for a first map
Oh, right! lol forgot to post that I updated it, I put in the orange effect; I also put in a light in the middle, but I guess it's not enough, huh? And yeah, I figured weapon's would be a problem. I actually purposely left out covie weapons for now, cuz I wanted to see how it played for myself without plasma flyin' left and right. Oh, and the dmr's and ar's are there cuz I figured havin some basic weapons right next to the initial spawns would be smart, but looking at it now they DEFINITELY need to be more visible! Thanks for the feedback!