Hello, world of ForgeHub. I proudly introduce a preview to what will be my second map post on this website. It is a competitive map that I will try to get working with all gametypes (excluding Invasion) but at the same time have nice aesthetics and smooth gameplay. I did not want this to be yet another symmetrical map with two bases and platforms in-between, so I gave it a twist. First of all in some spots of the map you are waist deep in water (only some, though). Also, beneath the main playing level there is a network of tunnels connecting both sides of the map. The gameplay down here is intended to be more close-quarters and confusing (there is more cover, afterall.) than the mid-range above ground. There are also elevated spots for a strategical advantage and multiple team spawns to prevent spawn trapping. Also, in team game modes (red vs. blue) half of the map turns to your team's colors and vice versa. this helps to keep players a bit more oriented. I could go on and on and on, but why don't you see for yourself. PICTURES Spoiler Note: The captions for pictures will be below the picture. This a view of a portion of the map. Sort of an overview. Here is another "overview" of the map. From a different angle. This big room you see is the "control room". It has no controls, but it does have a sniper and a nice view of the map. The area beneath it is the middle level. Here is a better view of the middle level. A view from inside the "control room". What's this? Oh, that's the entrance to the underground portion of the map. Hmm... a gravity hammer in the tunnels... In this picture you can see two entrances into the tunnels. One through the octagon-shaped passage and one from above that is on the right-hand side of the picture. Sort of an overview that shows one of the main water channels, the middle level, and two entrances to the tunnels. This picture shows a spawn area on the left and right hand sides of the picture. Another view of the tunnels that shows the team colors also. What the heck? Where is this? I'm afraid you will have to find it for yourself (I'm so evil, right?). This is one of those places that is hard to get to but rewarding as there is a rocket launcher (FFA-only) and offers the best possible view of the map (hint, hint). I made sure this was not an epic camping spot, and I also made it ridiculously hard to get here without screwing up and having to start back over. Have fun finding it! Please remember to vote on a name at the top!
Just a heads up, the surface of water acts as a shield door for explosive weapons and plasma weapons. (I think bullets still work.) That is to say, you can shoot something underwater only from underwater, and something above water only from above water. Rockets and any explosive weapons detonate when they hit the water, but I think the damage will carry underwater. That said, the water parts could make an interesting battlefield.
Wait! Change my vote of Pipeworks to Hydropath! It's my fault for not looking at the content of the thread - there is another map preview called Pipeworks and I thought they were thinking of changing the name. :/
Looks like a really well made map! Sorry to spoil it for you but its quite obvious the camping spot may be towards the ceiling
I'm sorry, but I don't think I can change your vote witout restarting the poll. To compensate, after 2 days I will post the results (and switch yours to hydropath) and then vote again for the top three names. This will be in a different thread that I will post a link to on this one. [br][/br]Edited by merge: believe it or not, this map is not nearly as cramped as the pictures depict. The only "cramped" area is the tunnels, and that is intentional. Thanks for asking, though.
not true... you can fire from under water to targets out of water... I do that on one of my maps. the map looks pretty nice, I can imagine gameplay would be pretty cool. The water isn't exactly a "new" and unique thing, but I suppose it looks pretty good with the tunnels. Pipeline seems an adequate name too. Good job
Nice effort Hi Mate looks nicely layed out. Though I can see that area you are referring to on the ceiling in the 2nd screenshot . Think by the time you made it there the match could have ended . Send me a friend request to BoA Wrath as would be interested in doing some playtesting if you need a hand. I'm currently lookng for help to playtest my new arena map Dos4all. Regards BoA Wrath