Ok. So in the map I am making I want the shotgun, needle rifle, sniper rifle and rockets all to be place on a wall about half way up. You know so they look like they are mounted there. Anyway. For each weapon I used the "fixed" option to make sure it stayed on the wall where I put it. Now the funny thing was when I jumped into custom game to do a quick run around, after picking up one of the "fixed" weapons off the wall I switched out for another "fixed" weapon and the weapon I had just dropped is now floating in mid air. It was weird. I could pistol whip it, shoot and get sparks, and it would even prevent me from walking forward if I ran into it. As an example, I dropped my AR for the fixed rockets, AR falls to the ground like it should. I run over to the base and drop the fixed rockets for the fixed shotgun. Rockets float in mid air. I try again, but this time I swap out the shotgun for a needler that I just laid on the ground, fixed shotgun hangs in the air. Now I switch out the needler for the PP I laid on the ground and the needler falls to the ground with no problem. So is there some trick to placing weapons on a wall so that they don't fall off?
As far as I know, this is not possible, you'll have to rest it down, its really annoying. I got a sword to float, but I tried the same method with other weapons, and sadly it didnt work. With the sword, I replicated the sword on countdown. First I placed a base object where i want the sword to have its base, then placed the sword standing straight up in normal setting, and deleted the base. It stayed floating, just like the one on countdown, and like the standard, when shot, will fall over. I really do hope bungie patches this, as it would make stuff easier. But for now you simply can't use fixed weapons if you want your map to work, because those floating weapons become immovable objects until they despawn. Also happens when you die while holding a fixed weapon, it will float in midair. Note: this doesn't affect grenades, fix them up as much as you want!
Wow. Talk about retarted. Might as well have not included the phased or fixed options for weapons then. Well thanks. At least now I won't spend hours try to figure out what I am doin wrong.
It looks tacky anyway when weapons are mounted on the wall like that. Just lean them or build a small mount for the added visibility along with a more natural look.
I agree with Ladnil it does look tacky, Have you seen the Halo 3 landfall video? the scene where the battle rifles come out from the wall on angled racks.. they would be easy to recreate and would look way better. Fail that you could always sink a horizontal column into the wall and make a shelf to rest the weapons on!
The place where I put the rockets has a littel shelf. But it was unintentional. And while it might look tacky, it's also practical. At least the weapon is at about eye level as opposed to on the ground. I'm not saying the weapons are hard to see, I just like the idea that they are up higher. And again it really is lame that the game glitches with fixed weapons. They might as well just left the option out it if wasn't going to work.
I agree about being eye level. If the lighting of a level is dark it can be quite hard to see weapons on the floor that is why racks/shelves can be used to solve that. Its not a bug/glitch it is just the physics of an object being fixed. What they should of done is included another object physics property along the line of Fixed/normal so that initially it stays where it is but after a player interacts with it, it becomes normal. But the fixed properties should apply to when it comes to re spawning. this really wouldn't be hard to implement.... who knows bungie may release a patch including this feature! Just saw a post on bungie with regards to this.... there is a way of implementing what I have said. I haven't actually tried it yet but it will be the 1st thing I do when I get back from work! Go about placing the weapon where you want with the physics being Fixed. Now look at the object but do NOT touch it! instead change the physics to normal without picking it up, and it should still be fixed to a wall or floating etc. but you won't have the issue of it fixing when you drop the weapon. I am not too sure how this effects it when it re spawns though. Has anyone else tryed this?
You have to pick up the fixed weapon as a spartan. After you drop it (so that it's just floating there), then you change it's physics to normal (in edit mode with just "x") without selecting it. After that, start a new round.
Wow. Well I know I tried just changing the physics to normal without grabbing it and they fell off the wall. But I did not try the way Angel mentioned.