Well they did good by making this playlist available. But the maps are not good for infection (my opinion). Games only last 4 -5 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I don't want a little camp spot to slaughter 10 zombies in a row, but these maps are the opposite, good for slayer but not infection. Bungie works on this for years with teams of people, so how could they fail to give us a good infection map to go with the playlist? This should be the easiest part of their job!!
Why should they make a map solely for infection? They'll take some from the community soon enough anyways. Me, for one, am glad that they added the infection playlist, because they took it out of rumble pit now to just get rid of juggernaut...
As long as Bungie is going to patch camp spots on Asylum and Reflection, then yes, this playlist was a nice addition. As for the maps, just give them a little time to find good user made infection maps.
I wish bungie would be more imaginative with their maps and their gametypes, Im tired of playing on the same old crappy maps over and over again. Bungie needs to start looking at maps from the community; ones that are specifically designed for infection and play infection on those. I have been hoping for something like this since the first time bungie had "living dead" for their D-XP weekends in Halo 3. Also, I Don't understand the point of Safe Havens. Bungie should have made getting into a safe-haven for the first time worth points, and make that THE ONLY WAY to get points. Then have the 10 (or 15) second countdown before it goes to another location of the map. This would make traveling through a zombie infested map have a point, other than how it is now where you're just cornering yourself.
i agree about the default settings for safe haven, it seems pretty terrible and pointless. Even though you can be invulnerable in the haven, its still a smarter decision to hang back and kill zombies instead. But all the bitching about the maps is ridiculous. "Bungie should have made a map specifically for infection before doing this" blah blah blah get over it. good maps will come with time, people are so damn needy.
One change they should make, is to have a kill as a zombie worth 2 points or something, because you can quite easily get 5-10 kills as a human without dying.
Bungie only twice have ever used community maps for infection and those where Bart's Mansion and that "House of the Dead" or whatever in sandbox skybubble. Both were horrible as they had morbidly obvious choak-points that ruined the game. The problem with this was that Bungie continuously played these maps, when in custom game I played very ingenous maps that were well set up and remained fun even after the 5th - 40th time I played it. Bungie could capitalize on community made material, but they don't. So no, its not just bitching, it is totally legitimate. I absolutely agree
I'm glad games don't last longer than 4 or 5 minutes. Infection with copious amounts of camping.... not fun at all. All I can say is a Grifball playlist better be on the way, dammit
They need to block off the bathroom in Powerhouse, tweak the rocks on Powerhouse to give less of an advantage, and remove Boardwalk entirely. ("Boardwalk"? Nobody ever "walks" in that map, everyone just camps.) What baffles me is that they designed Forge so you can make any object specific to any gametype, and yet they made no effort to tweak any of their maps for Infection. It's like Bungie believes that all of their maps are good for all of their gametypes without any changes whatsoever -- which would be the most imbecilic belief in human history, bar absolutely none.
Umm, zombies is a camping game, and its fair as long as there's not a super-huge hallway, because zombies can just pull a barrel roll right up next to where you're not aiming and slash you down, save havens tries to lure people away from camping, but it fails, because zombies just camp outside the haven behind cover. Edit: Remember your roots of infection, way back in H2 days, I forget the map it was on, but the whole green team would run to camp together in the corner room. And you say infection camping is bad... Also people do walk on boardwalk (I do to rock spawn ) What I've seen thats annoying is people camping the outside back of that middle building on the cage, and that was almost impossible to kill, you needed a MINIMUM of 3 guys. (back when I was forced to play with old rumble pit)
I love the Infection playlist. On Pinnacle, i camped in the Tower of Power till i was the Last Man Standing and i got a Shotgun Killtacular thus unlocking Jorge's Helmet for my Avatar.
I have no complaints with it except Spartans getting out of the map on Asylum, once that is fixed it will be great. Only other thing I dislike is Safe Havens it seems like there is no point to trying to get to the safe haven
This. I don't see how they can fix the camping on the building, but leave another major camping spot wide open. Somebody's beginning to look a lot like Infinity Ward.
Are you kidding! They're so boring! What's so fun about rolling towards humans and trying to hit them... while the humans sit in a corner and shoot. What happened to alpha zombies? what about predator? smear the pinkie? ANYTHING that doesn't have the generic slayer settings just with a few different weapons and less objects on the map... anything. besides fat kid. That game sucks.
I love the infection playlist. The only problem I have is the mass amount of people who camp at spawn on aslum. Also the person with the most KILLS not points in the round is a zombie. I killed 3 people as a zombie and I had the most kills but I fell off the map twice (becasue of evade) which made me lower on the scoreboard. But the next round i was still the zombie.