Most of you probably havent seen it but Ive recently published a map and sport game type Revball which is a two sided affair using revenants to push/shoot a ball into the other teams goal (which therein has an automatic scoring apparatus) in an arena/field type level. However this can only be a two sided affair so far.. I was thinking about how to make this a multi team/FFA type game aswell which would be easy enough to build but a function scoring system not really... I have two ideas but I wanted to open this up to some others ideas and hopefully my fellow forgers can help and we can revolutionize team sports games in reach the first thing that came to mind is a reverse scoring system (visually expressed like this) Where every "goal" but your own contains your stp_goal So therefore everytime you score instead of your points going up every other player/teams score goes up this might cause some confusion but seems to be the most precise way of keeping track perverse as it may be the only other thing i can think of way to keep it "two sided" but just add two more teams (like so) But im not entirely sure on either one to be honest. Im really hoping to get some feedback here and hopefully solve my dilemma, many thanks in advance
This first idea may not work out too well because you wouldn't actually be able to display a true winner right? I don't think there is a way to declare the person with the lower score to be the winner. As in the post game screen actually shows who wins. As for your other idea that could work. However you change it so you have to try and get the ball into your own goal. That may just make things a little less confusing.
yeah the first one is what i really want but i know it cannot happen Somehow I never thought of just putting their own goal under them thats a great idea Thanks thats probably what I will do I hope you enjoy your credit in my post. Your awesome and Im humbled by your help If you choose to dl it I hope you enjoy Revball how do you figure (as i go to customs screen to look through options)
This may be a bit outside the box, but bare with me. What about designing the goal in which it is still using the first idea but every players goal is divided into 3 parts. You would not only have battle for the goals but precision will be needed in order to make sure you don't score in you opponent's goal. Alternatively, multiple balls may be an option for an increase in player size but on the down side the arena would have to be developed with this in mind. Just some food for thought, perhaps enough ideas may lead to a working one.
Are you using the smashball scoring system? If so, there won't be enough balls for the scoring machinamibob.
Here's a thought for the shortage on balls, though I can not test it as I am at work. Is it possible to make a building block stp-goal? If so you could open possibilities when building a goal, for example: a small square set to normal with a landmine on the side could make a predictable path to the stockpile flag. It would also be cheaper to do so then using balls to score. Edit: I did some testing and found that building blocks are not capable using them for stp_goals due to even being set to normal, explosives will not move them. However, I did find that scenery can be used in its place as they have the ability to be moved. After some testing, this simple setup can be employed (for a single goal setup). crate goal
I use fusion coils as the flag spawn area and place a stp goal block underneath. The ball sets off explosions and causes the fusion coils to blow up and flag to drop down into the stp goal. This also allows multiples scores per round. Don't worry about the flag falling multiple times per goal and messing up the score. Even if the flag collects after 1 second, the flag will not respawn until the fusion coils do.