A strange signal recieved by the UNCS-4815162342 satellite dish has lead to eerie reports of posthumous beings scouring the area. Gravesite is an infection map created by me, yooitzdono. This map is smalller than your typical infection map, yet still manages to maintain the infection feel! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story This is "The 66 Hotel." It was named accordingly because it could only hold 66 people, yet it was so popular. Never, not a single time, did a sign read "vacancy." It always seemed to be impossible without a reservation at least a year in advance. It was a great vacation spot, just off the shore of a beautiful beach, known as "Forging Beach." A small shack was the only house nearby. When all seemed well, and families were coming and going and coming and going, a strange relic of unknown origin seemed to simply fall out of the sky and buried itself half-way into the ground, right outside. Not much was discovered about it, except that it seemed to be an ancient satellite dish, with the numbers 4-8-15-16-23-42 engraved on the side. Scientists determined a while later that it was receiving some sort of signal, from far away in space, and it could not be traced. On October 29, 2016, an incident occurred. A few people mysteriously died in the hotel, seemingly all at once. At 4:00 , 8 people died all at once. The cause of death was determined as the failure of partial brain function... For all eight people. It was strange, and the eight were quickly buried nearby, in memory of the eight who had mysteriously died. Eleven hours after the incident occurred, at 15:00 (24-hour standard time), it happened again. This time, 16 people mysteriously died of the same cause of death. Loved ones were lost, and it was believed to be some sort of virus. All residents were told to remain inside their rooms, as a quarantine protocol was immediately issued. The government couldn't risk a global virus. A wall was placed around the area to eliminate any possibilities of escape. Officials waited, and watched. At 23:00 (24-hour standard time), a violent, excruciatingly loud series of screaming occurred, followed by absolute silence. The remaining 42 survivors were dead... All of them. The site was closed off permanently and the strange signal from the satellite faded away. Skeptics believe that it was the covenant, and others believe it to be a sign from Lucifer himself. But only a select few crime investigators are aware of the truth... and they vowed to never speak of it again... until now. Five days ago, on January 11, 2523 (507 Years Later) the dead, mangled corpses of what is now being dubbed as "The Grave-site of 66 Massacre" mysteriously rose from the dead, perfectly preserved, and are now roaming the isolated area. The hotel has been partly buried and is now taken over by nature. It is under close watch by several organizations, including the UNSC. They have decided to send in some Spartans to kill them for good, in order to eliminate any possibility of the virus to spread. But, the UNSC has just unknowingly sent these Spartans into a suicide mission. These 'zombies' are deadly and once the Spartans go in, they wouldn't ever be able to come out. Why? Well... you have an imagination. I suggest you use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, if you had the time to read that, kudos to you! It's just a story I created a while back (after the finale of Lost, in case you missed the 4-8-15-16-23-42 connection ) and i decided to make a map after it. I am proud of this map, but I plan on making a map with the same storyline later on, to replace this one. Now, for some screenshots! *** These pictures were taken without the FX Purple that is used in the map in order to see clearer pictures. "Zombie Spawn"- Right behind the burial of the 8 original civilians killed at the 66 Hotel. "Green Tunnels"- The bomb shelter, which was uncovered by the people who buried the orginal 8 for a quicker path to the burial zone. "Shack"- The small shack nearby "The 66 Hotel." "Backyard"- The backyard of the shack, which also has an exit from The green tunnels. "Satellite"- The mysterious satellite that started it all. "66 Hotel"- A look inside the basement floor of the 66 Hotel. You'll have to explore to find out the rest... > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE NOTE: If you have the time to read this entire post, please also have the courtesy to respond in any way. It took me a good time to create the story and then the map, and I would appreciate any criticism or compliments!
this map looks really cool. cant see anything wrong right now. gotta wait to play this so ill get back to you....maybe. but really this map looks great.
dude its the mans house itlooks sick. Props to the shack, but can we plz hav some picks of the inside. lso think about adding maybe a mansion against the oposite side wall of the shack. Uther wize looking good and will think about getting the thing
alright yeah i'll get some pics of the inside of the shack and the outside of the hotel, seeing as i forgot to post that too. And if I make a version 2, I will most likely change the map name to Hotel 66, as it seems a lot more fitting. And the opposite side mansion was an original intention as a matter of fact, but money is the issue. If i can figure out some way to compromise, I will see what I can do.
I really like the story that goes with it. The gameplay looks like it could be really fun. I'll try it out.