ReState (10/23/10) Made by Dr Killmore and Dulden Welcome to ReState ReState is a small/medium sized map that plays best with team slayer or Crazy King. This is also me and Dulden's first official Reach map. The map is composed of two bases with a huge crane in the center. Although the bases are asymmetrical, they are almost perfectly balanced. I'll let the pics do the talking.... NOW SUPPORTS FFA DOWNLOAD RESTATE (UPDATED) Please leave feedback! Thanks : )
so its a construction site. thats pretty cool. atlhough i want to see more pics of the actual buildings
I recommend you guys DL and play it first, because the pictures can't really show the whole map. Also I'm really surprised that this became an actually competitive map, because me and Killmore were just forging this little area until like 4 in the morning one night. We didn't really plan this and at the late hours didn't talk much, so I'm prett surprised it became good enough for gameplay. I'm really glad Killmore starting forging this with me because he made a lot on it. Again, please try a game on it the gameplay is quite nice. Same with the aesthetics. Also if you play infections with this it's night time, and it has pretty fun gameplay even though the map is kind of small.
A map made by my two favorite teens. This map looks fine from what I can see, bigger than I expected. Map plays well with most gametypes. It is more like a jetpack combat, I was hoping more of an running/hologram type of game. In some parts it can get very spacey, too much room. Some buildings should have multiple ways to get up. I really like this map, its not original, but I'll keep it on my hard drive.
I remember testing this one. it had virtually no camping areas, good cover with still some openings which is nice, different elevation changes, and lots of places to go. it makes for a good map
This map is awesome! I love the fact that its based on a construction site type map. Check out my post, "Vestrual" Maybe we could make a map in the future.
Thanks for your comments, guys. Really appreciate it. BTW I haven't really got a chance to test this much so be on the look out for problems... If you find any major ones I will update the map/thread immediately. EDIT: And I'll be sure to thank P1MPxSLaSH for the giant TV screen. Thanx EDIT #2: Updated spawns for FFA variants :: PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD EDIT #3: Make sure you guys check this map out for infection, too. I Made it spooky night AND I made sure to eliminate all camping.
Whoa... So it is possible to make a cool city map with forerunner structures! Were you inspired by Headlong from halo 2? EDIT: Why isn't it possibel to use the docks to reach the ship. All you have to do is the boat trick: 1. Submerge 1 or 2 Grids between the Docks and the ship. 2. Put a kill zone in the water. Only in the water. Not out of it. 3. Make stairs to the docks. 4. Put Mongeese on the docks. If a player walks on the Grid he will die because of the Kill zone but if he rides a Mongoose he won't touch the water and can safely drive to the ship. EDIT: EDIT: How can i disable the flag on a tin cup?
First: Thank You Second: The grid thing wouldn't benefit gameplay. Plus I'm out of budget. Third: What? You cant disable the flags. I think you're talking about the upside down Tin Cups in the Garden. Am I right?
yes he was talking about the flags that stick out of the tin cups, not sure why he would want to disable them though since he could just flip them over so he doesnt see them lol. OT: cool map though, you did a good job making it look like a construction site.
I like the truck but... how does it play? [br][/br]Edited by merge: That boat trick sounds awesome, could be very useful for Casual games. I would create a zombie on foot human on mongoose gametype, but team specific killzones don't work. Anyone, I DL'd, I hope I won't lose it in the mess of maps I have, I'll send you the film if we test.
It actually plays pretty well, we tested it 4v4 like 5 times. The gameplay improved each time because our testers had quite a bit to tell us, so we improved it a lot from the first test. Definently best for slayer, but KoTH and stockpiles are good too.