So, I have a map idea, but I don't know how it would actually turn out. I hope that the community will give me some feedback on what you think about it and how I could improve it (if it is worth improving ) Sorry that this is only based on an idea, but I don't want to spend 10 hours and then realize it is awful. This is a mainly objective-based map! War Games (Possible map name) Spawn Hallway Both teams spawn in a large hallway on a ship above the actual map. There will be a few weapons in the hallway. (Maybe a DMR or 2) The hallway is split by windows. (The other team can not attack the other in the hallway area) In the hallway, there will be 3-4 ODST drops that lead to the Surface. I am debating whether it should just be a custom-Invul drop, or I should risk making real drop pods. (Please give me your opinion) At the end of the hallway, there will be either stairs or a teleporter. It leads to the Command Deck Command Deck (Imagine it as the command deck of the pillar of autumn in halo 1) The command deck will be a small room that should not have more than 4 people fighting at one time. (I expect there will be more in there fighting) It will have a power weapon or two. It will be a hot spot for battles just for a little advantage over the other team. The Command Deck will lead to the Hangar. Hangar (Imagine it as the top of a modern day aircraft carrier) It will have a banshee or a falcon or both. There will also be a warthog that will be able to ODST drop to the ground with minimal damage. There will be minimal cover. What else can I put on this barren hangar? Surface (Ah, the surface, the Spartans only true love.) The surface will be separated into 3 bases. One Red, One Blue, One Neutral The bases will be similar to that of "Cliffhangar" HOWEVER, it will not be nearly the same, just it will look somewhat like that. This is where almost all of the objective actually are. You will be able to get back to the ship somehow. (Without a vehicle) Help me think of how please. Underground I am thinking about adding an underground area. It will be simple walkways + cover area. There will be a few "Medium" weapons. Such as DMR, G-Launcher. It might even be a place for objectives. Do you think this will be a good idea? Here is a picture of the general idea of everything. Sorry that the picture doesn't include underground, I thought of it after I drew it, and I don't have time to redraw. (I know that I am terrible at drawing (and even worse on the computer), try not to be too jealous ) Spoiler
i think this is a nice idea you can use mongoses as drop pods when you hit the ground with them you survive
I don't know on my previous thread a few people prefer simple maps, are you sure you want to take the time if people are unwilling to try it?
you can also make only the drop and fight concept. btw dont use the mongoose drop pod ive found better ones
sounds like a cool idea, could the odst start with jetpacks either through game settings or pickup so they can cushion their fall, this would introduce an element of skill to their insertion, a later riskier blast on the jetpack would get them into the action faster at the risk of damage or death
Rifte has a tut live for drop pods. Should be on youtube. Search rifte drop pods, and you should get it.
I'm back from a short vacation. Woo...kinda. I was actually thinking about this, but it would alter later game play. However, this may be my favorite option so far. Thanks! Rifte's drop pod is actually what inspired me to make this map. I have attempted to duplicate it. However, it seems that it has about 70% survival rate and that might be too random for me. Though, if you know how I can make it a higher survival rate. I would love to use it. Thanks for all the feedback by the way.
Of course, you may decide that you don't care if people get your IC and OOC mixed up.WOW Power Leveling If so, my hat's off to you. But for most, it'll probably be best to help spell out what's in character, what's out of character, and keep confusing of the two to a minimum. There's a single primary fundamental to roleplay. Aion Gold It's a dynamic that is so innate and implicit about the act of roleplaying that most roleplayers never give it any thought. Why would they? WOW GoldIt's as universal and binding a dynamic as could possibly exist in an activity. Buy WOW GoldThis dynamic is not only the building block of roleplaying, it's also the very point and end-goal of most roleplaying. Aion Gold I want to throw in some kind of yin and yang analogy, also, but I'll get to my point.
Is it going to be a sort of remake of the halo 3: ODST Campaign? If it is, then i would love to come up with some great ideas.