
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Bloody fox, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    Welcome to the final installment of the Catalyst Map pack. This map, Hydropermo (Waterwar in greek) takes place in water. Parts of the map are completely submerged (creating very low visibility) and other parts are only flooded partially. Three things yous hould know about this infection map is
    1. there is no defined gametype so its free to whatever one you want
    2.Make sure you do not give infected or humans camo as an available armor ability. (unless playing with a predator gametype)
    3.Make sure you have a good amount of time on so as to deal with any campers.
    Now enjoy​

    The main partially flooded tunnel near the human spawn.
    The base-like area in the human spawn. (beware of campers)
    A side room in the human spawn (this is the location of the reciever node that leads from the sumberged tunnels)
    Entrance to the submerged tunnels (contains two teleporters. One leads back up while the other leads to the tunnels. The tunnel teleporters have soft killzones around them so no one will camp them)
    The infected initial spawn.
    Infected respawn. (this and the one above are the only two unflooded areas.
    Submerged tunnels (better visibility in game)

    Thats it. The pics dont do it justice due to it being cramped so i cant get good angles and the fact that visibility is low. Play it and see how you like it. In the beta i found some camping problems but i tried hard to fix them. Underwater is more elaborate so download to see it better. Also there is a couple hidden rooms. Enjoy​
    #1 Bloody fox, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    niccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeee map. looks awesome. although i haven't seen your other maps... :( at first i though this would be a sewage map which i thought was awesome but this is different.. how do you submerge yourslf that much and not die??(think i know, just want a strait answer)
  3. N00bleT

    N00bleT Forerunner

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    Well I've made 2 maps with complete underwater spots, and I found them by slowly submerging myself while in monitor mode and then I put a coliseum wall in the deepest spot. Go try for yourself =D
  4. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure, but do different items allow you to be submerged deeper?
    Anyway, the map looks really nice and you had me convinced on a download until I saw you mention camping. Nothing ruins an infection game more than camping spots where humans can rack up kills. Perhaps you could fix this with a custom gametype? If you do, send me a message. I'd be happy to download it and give it more thorough feedback once the camping issue is fixed.
  5. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    There are those ways but they are much harder and allow only restricted access. My way has 2 different paths to achieve it. First way is hard. Get outside the map using teleporter and there is a huge underwater area you can use. Second way is easy. Download a map such as Seaworld that has already done this for you. Either way it works. Seaworld i dont like to use as much because you have to delete everything they put on the map. Look on youtube for tuts to find how to do the first way

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