<<TOP-SECRET>> <<EYES ONLY>> <<CODE-WORD-REQUIRED>> ///__SUBJ: Operation: TORPEDO__/// ///TO: Beta SPARTAN-III Company/// <<Commissioned by:[ShadowBoy166];[Angel of Grief];[TitanC005];>> <<RECON:[ patrickcanttype];[ hassanq];[ L Dog lawson 3];[ Nos Skittles];[ Stelth Virus];[ xxReconNoblexx];[ Dr Killmore];[ xy007];[ TheVirtualBox];[ Jarkoranda];>> The Office of Naval Intelligence has located a Covenant refueling station on the moon [Pegasi Delta] in the [51 Pegasi System]. This base is right on the edge of our space. With it, the Covenant can push into the heart of the Inner Colonies. With it, the Covenant can potentially launch an assault on the planet Reach, or even Earth. It must be neutralized. Many ONI agents died getting us this information. So listen up, Spartans. //1 – [TARGET AREA APACHE] You will enter slipspace in HEV’s. Unconventional, but the Covenant will detect any rupture remotely cruiser-sized. From slipspace, you will land on Pegasi Delta’s surface and begin your assault. Some of you won’t make it this far. //2 – [ENEMY PATROL] Reconnaissance has identified the Covenant’s main patrol area. Expect a swift and harsh counterattack from this area. The Covenant also block off the lower factory with a [grade-12] security blast door. By completing either of the next two objectives, you should be able to hack into the enemy’s mainframe and open the doors. //3 – [COVENANT AAA-CANNON] Your first target is to capture the fire controls for the Covenant’s main [Anti-Air Artillery] gun and take it offline. Without this, the exfiltration craft – your one ticket off this hunk of rock – will never land in one piece. //4 – [COVENANT COMMS RELAY] Your second target is the system-wide Covenant communications relay. Knock this out, and they won’t be calling for help anytime soon. You’re facing overwhelming odds to begin with. //5 – [ORDNANCE DROP POINT] Once the AAA-gun and the comms array are taken out, an orbiting ONI Prowler [UNSC Nighteye] will drop the following for your use in the mission: x2 M274 Ultra-Light All-Terrain Vehicles [Mongoose], M12 Force Application Vehicle [Warthog], Sniper Rifle System 99 Anti-Matériel, and an M41 Surface-to-Surface Rocket Medium Anti-Vehicle/Assault Weapon [Rocket Launcher]. //6-7– [TELEPORTER GRID ALPHA] The Covenant maintain a teleportation grid for transportation from the canyon to the high cliffs. Your next objective will be to capture either Sector Alpha [marked 6] or Sector Bravo [marked 7]. Take notice, as recon reports the Covenant may have access to a Type-52 Special Applications Rifle [Focus Rifle] near the tower marked by [6]. //8– [HOSTILE ARMOR] Updated satellite images report increased Covenant armor and vehicle activity in the lower section of the base. As of [2232 Hours 10.21.2525], known vehicles include the Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle [Ghost], and the Type-48 Light Assault Gun Carriage [Revenant]. ] //9– [PAYLOAD DELIVERY] Capture the Covenant’s teleportation grid, and our Prowler will be able to drop the explosive material for your final objective, the location marked as [9]. Carry the bomb to the marked target, [12], and arm it. The Covenant won’t less this happen on a whim, so be prepared to face brutal retaliation. Deliver that bomb no matter what the cost. //10– [DEPLOYABLE BRIDGE] To our advantage, and to theirs as well, the Covenant use an extendable ramp bridge to connect the upper cliff to the canyon in the event that their teleportation grid fails, or to move high-mass cargo. Once you take control of the teleporters, this bridge will also be available for your use. Use it if and when you can – it leads right to their doorstep. //11– [TELEPORTER GRID RECEIVERS] Once you pass through the teleportation grid, you’ll end up on the high cliffs above the canyon. From here, make your way to the target, and fast. Time is running out. Be aware of enemy air support. Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft [Banshee] have been detected in the area. //12– [DETONATION SITE] At the edge of the cliff is their main plasma reactor. If the nuke isn’t enough, a chain reaction with the tens of thousands of gallons of plasma will be. Arm the bomb, and hold your position. Survival is secondary. Opposition will be fierce. But are you soldiers, or are you Spartans? You will be deployed within the hour. Suit up, and prepare to drop into hell. <<INTEL>> <<Operation: TORPEDO underway>> <<MISSION IS A GO>> <<DEPLOY TO PEGASI DELTA>> <<UPLOAD REQUIRED INTEL FOR OPERATION: TORPEDO>> ///ONI-SEC-3-Beta-5/// *Note: I've noticed that the gametype has more downloads than the map: in case there was any confusion over the links, "Deploy To Pegasi Delta" will take you to the map, and "Upload Required Intel For Operation: TORPEDO" will take you to the gametype. The same links are also at the top of the page. It helps to have both!
Bravo! Awesome map idea, great write up, and sweet invasion gameplay scenario. I've been waiting for someone to make a map based in the fiction of the Halo-verse, and you seemed to have done that in spades. I'm dl now, and can't wait to try out this cool scenario and map. I actually just finished re-reading Ghosts of Onyx a few days ago, so this opening battle is still fresh in my mind. Great work, I'll drop some feedback once I get to try it out in game.
looke awesome good details. but why are there 5 objsectives? and your order is jumbled. mix the covenant stuff with the spartans in each trial. its hard to understand. but it looks so cool
Thanks for your feedback, guys. @FrostPookyEdyE: I'm a huge fan of the fiction, and when I saw a thread ShadowBoy166 posted about an idea to make an Invasion map for the prologue of Ghosts of Onyx, I really couldn't pass it up. Angel of Grief helped me out with the forging too, especially with the cliff and ocean portions of the station. I hope the map is as epic as that battle. @firedrone8: Sorry if the thread isn't too straightforward about the game specifics. ONI tends to be that way. Here's a simplified explanation. Spartans are attacking. Phase 1 is Territories, one territory by the AA gun, and one by the comm dish. Phase 2 is also Territories, with one territory by a teleporter on the left side of the ocean base, and the other by a similar teleporter on the opposite side. Spartans get access to Mongeese, a Warthog, a Sniper Rifle, and a Rocket Launcher during this phase. Elites get access to a Focus Rifle, a Ghost, and a Revenant. Once Phase 2 is complete, the teleporters open up and a bomb spawns on the ocean side. Phase 3 is Assault, where the Spartans have to carry the bomb and plant it in the base on the cliff. Elites also get access to a Banshee. That's it in a nutshell. Have fun and give 'em hell.
Ha, funny. Anyways, the thread is very well designed. It certainly kept me reading, one thing many people on Forgehub fail to do. Nice idea on keeping the ONI messages like they were in the books. The map looks interesting. The aesthetics ( I hate using that word) look nice, they capture the feel of a Covenant factory. Although its hard to tell how well an invasion game will play by looking at pictures, I'm sure this will play very well. I'll definitely try to get a game on it later; I'll send you a friend request if you want to join.
Im going to have to download this after reading that...lol you make it seems too epic in the description...
Ok i jsut DL'd and went to play and im sorry but any map should at least support slayer, or at least have spawn points of some sort, i went into the map with slayer on and when i started up i fell to my death and couldnt spawn from there on out meaning there arnt spawns on the map, this is a very big problem that needs to be addressed, overall with the spawn issue i give it 1/5 for gameplay, 3/5 for aesthetics
Loved the map, particularly liked the "parachuting in" and the end part where you have to take the bomb all the way up the hill. I think that stage would be epic in an actual game, nice work.
Sorry, buddy, but this is an Invasion map, and was never meant to support any other gametype. Invasion uses a system of respawn zones instead of respawn points, thus explaining why you weren't able to respawn. The initial Spartan drop is in midair to imitate a space-to-surface landing, and underneath each initial spawn is a custom powerup that will give the Spartans an overshield powerful enough for them to survive the landing. As custom powerup traits are gametype-specific, the needed traits are not in regular Slayer. To have the best experience possible on this map, I suggest you play it with the gametype it was created to support. If enough people would like a Slayer-based version of this map, I'll consider making one.
Out of interest, are you entering this into the Forgetacular contest? Probably have a decent shot since there won't be many Invasion maps I would think
I played the map and I think it looks cool but the map could use something to make the gameplay a little more interesting...
I've definitely considered that, but I'll have to talk to my co-forger about it, too - the obvious difficulty being that there's two of us, and only 1 Reach-edition 360 awarded per map if we win. As awesome as that console would be, I really could care less about who gets it. I think the real prize would be seeing this in matchmaking. Thanks for all the feedback, guys, and don't forget to recommend to your friends . [br][/br]Edited by merge: What did you find lacking? I'm open to any suggestions as far as additions go.
I shouldn't be too hard to decide who put more work into the map. I haven't played it yet (I want to get a game on it soon though), but it looks like it could fare well in the Invasion category. Along with the fact that it actually uses fictional elements from Halo, so that might attract Bungie testers.