First Picture: This is not Revball... But it is how it started! My bud and I were forging one night and he promptly splattered me with a scorpion. So ofcourse I spawned one and started trying to kill him, eventually one of our older vehicles spawned in the middle of the map we made. So we decided we should try and play table tennis, then it evolved into a forge game where we held scorpions with the monitor and tried to hit the soccer ball into my hastily made goals One all nighter of forge later... Spoiler Revball was born. Red and Blue Teams spawn in corresponding "bases" atop the arena. Teleporters (vehicle only) take the players down onto the playing field. A golf ball spawns in the middle in corresponding time with the goals. Now how the game works.. use your Revenant to put the ball in the other teams goal (ofcourse) by shooting at it or the old fashioned way To further explain/show the scoring system Spoiler I tried CTF, Assault, KoTH everything then I finally had an epiphany that stockpile would work because its the only gametype where scoring happens while not being physically interacted with (i.e. you just drop the flags in and leave) So I knew this is what I had to do but it took nearly a week of testing and tweaking to get it to work correctly. I found a thread made by Graybes who designed a brillant game Smashball and using his techique of not spawning the goals at start I was able to match up my times for perfect scoring. So thanks Graybes Ball explodes landmines inside goal Secondary golf ball explodes off its tiny perch on the opposite side of the capture plates Lands safely on flag GOALLL!! But that wasnt enough, the Arena was small, awesome for 1v1 and incredibly hectic 2v2 but I wanted more so Revball_BIG was born*** Double the size of its younger brother the game now supports full 4v4 teams These maps Revball_small/big are both 100% finished and I have personally tested them over 9000 times (slight hyperbole) and they are all 100% functional ***Revball_Big may have some issues because lack of teleporters if two players side by side go into the same inital teleporter there is a chance they will come out on top of eachother. But it shouldnt affect gameplay to much. There are two "exit" teleporters so often both teammates come out side by side [Revball! Now available as a minigame + download links!] [Revball! Now available as a minigame + download links!]
never heard of it? edit: I searched and found Halo Ball although they may be "similar" no its not a remake Ive been forging this nearly 2 weeks I just now published it imo they really arent that similar