Invade the UNSC communications station and steal their power core. Compatible w/ most game types. This map was built for invasion but is compatible with all game types except stockpile and race. If you look at this map in Forge Basic Editing mode, it will look like there's too many vehicles and weapons, but they actually show up in different game types so don't look at it that Invasion mode is the main feature of this map, but that doesn't mean that the other game types aren't as fun. For invasion, Elites start on one side of the two bridges and work there way through the UNSC communications station to steal their power core at the base of the satalite dish, and then take it down to the landing pad for pickup and win. By use of sheild walls, each phase unlocks access to more areas of the map until you reach the core. Invasion is a very confusing game type to learn how to set up considering that there's no truly solid instructions anywhere I could find, on how to configure an invasion map properly on Forge World. It took me an whole day of studing the crap out of the Invasion configurations on Boneyard and Spire, just to get a full understanding on how to set up spawning correctly for Invasion. I hid a die in this map as an easter egg, so see if you can find it without deleting anything. Also check out my other maps: AXIS GUN (made on Tempest) HALO-VANIA 2.0 MAGNORMAS AXIS CITY (remix of Magnormas) LARRY'S HOUSE SPACE GRIFBALL ENJOY!!!
Wow, I really like the way you used this area of the forgeworld. I just finisehed this map and am in the process of participating in some custom game testing sessions to work out all the small details that make a map this size work out. I downloaded this, can't wait to play invasion on it.
Spam and advertising is quite fun. Well, your map would probably benefit from some constructive feedback. From what you wrote it makes it seem like the attackers spawn at a consistent spot with the objectives increasing in distance from each phase. If this is the case you should probably have their spawns be pushed up, since invasion is designed for the feeling of falling back. the map doesn't really seem to have any unique geometry either - it seems like you just spawned default buildings and using them, or placing default buildings next to each other. One thing I find particularly interesting in a map is when I cannot tell which item was used to make a structure since it makes people's creativity really stand out. Can we have a weapon and vehicle list.
Forge wouldn't give me enough pieces to build whole buildings from scratch for the amount of buildings I wanted to use for this map and I used tons of rocks, or else the map itself would have to be smaller or support less game types and sure enough a map's game play is the most important part of making a map. Constructive feedback is welcome if you actually play the map first, and you can't comment on the spawning setup for invasion unless you've actually tested it out with at least 8 players. To keep gameplay fair and enjoyable there are strict reasons why I have the spawn settings the way they are (like preventing spawn kills by snipers). You just have to play it, to get it. If you want to see some real unique geometry in a map then download my last map Magnormas.