Reverb The echoes of those long forgotten can still be heard up and down these corridors.Will you join them? This is an original map that I've created in the quarry section of Forgeworld, called Reverb. It is a symmetrical map. Completely(well, 95% the same anyway) identical red and blue bases are on opposing sides of the map, while a two-level pathway is in the back of the map. A large, green, 2 story building lies almost directly in the center of the map, and a smaller orange building lies on the cliff side of the map. Each section has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as multiple entrances and exits. I have used one-way shield doors to creat a jump-lift of sorts as a way to get to the second floor of the green building. These are just outside of the shield door entrances of each base. All ya gotta do is jump. You can get on top of the orange building by jumping on the rocks or jet packs, of course. More details and weapon locations described below in the pictures. I plan on submitting this into the Forgetacular Contest under the Team Slayer or Symmetrical categories, so major feedback is needed, please!! The feedback from the games we've played so far has all been pretty good, except for a few small bugs that have since been fixed. Setup for all gametypes. Gameplay Video [bungievid]7061748[/bungievid] You can no longer get stuck in the grav lift as seen in the last couple of seconds in the video. Please comment and rate. Thanks. Weapons DMR X 6, 90 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Needle Rifle X 2, 90 sec, 2 Needler X 2, 75 sec, 1 Shotgun X 1, 120 sec, 1 Rocket Launcher X 1, 180 sec, 0 Sniper Rifle X 1, 150 sec, 2 Plasma Pistol X 1, 60 sec, 2 Grenade Launcher X 1, 120 sec, 5 Concussion Rifle X 1, 120 sec, 2 Plasma Grenade X 8, 50 sec Frag Granade X 4, 30 sec Health Station X 6, 15 sec This view of the red base shows you the longer linear lines of sight this map offers. Perfect for mid-range battles. The bottom right-hand corner of the pic shows the cliff-side entrance to the bases. There are two frag grenades located on the short bridge on the right. In the center of the pic is the jump-lift, located under the long tunnel turned up, between the two columns. Entrances to the first floor can also be seen. The top path in the back of the bases. This path connects the two bases on top and has another path underneath, where the shotgun spawns. There is cover on each bases' side where a DMR spawns. A natural arch covers much of a ramp that leads up to the second floor of the green building. More of a first person view to better see the archway and the ramps going into the green building. A large shield door covers this entrance. Lower grav lift room that leads to the top pathway in the back of the bases. Hot spot for objective games other than CTF and Assault. Two plasma grenades are located in here as well as a needle rifle close by. A way to the back hall can be seen on the left side of the pic. Back halls for each base are where the flags spawn, also the bomb goal point. A DMR spawns right in the middle of the hall against the wall. A good view of the Orange Room. There are three entrances/exits. One in the middle front and two on the sides, going towards each base. This is a common route for a flag carrier and lots of action happens around this building. The sniper rifle is located inside this building on the back wall. There is also plasma grenades and a health pack located inside here. The rocks on the side of the front entrance provide a way to the top, where you will find the concussion rifle but little usable cover. The inevitable fate of the unlucky person who uses the jump lift to get the second floor of the Green Room......... ...........But doesn't see that the rockets have respawned before the other guy. LOL. The rocket launcher spawns on the shield door side of this room. On the other side are the more conventional ramp/stairway paths to the first and second floors. There are also panic holes ( or assassin holes) next to the lifts. On the first floor is where you will find plasma grenades and a grenade launcher. I have worked very hard on this map and would love to see it do well here as well as in the contest. Lots of feedback is definitely welcome and please be sure to recommend it to your friends if you like it. I will have a video up by tomorrow showing a little walkthrough during a team slayer game. The pics really don't do it justice as to how it plays during team games. You owe it to yourself to at least give this map a good forge-through. I recommend a good 4v4 team slayer game though. Enjoy and thanks for checking out my map! Please make sure to comment and rate. Special Thanks to Makisupa 007, Blackprinze, TheClubhouse, Nosirrom Mij, Wrestling, and anyone else who helped me test this map and fix the bugs.
Was an awesome map. That king of the hill game was lots of fun. The whole thing was f'n sweet. Cant wait to play it again.
This map was a lot of fun to test. It has a really intuitive flow and a unique symmetric look. The latest addition of the Juicy effect works well with Reverb. It brings out all of the color on the map(which you definitely did not skimp on). Some stand out areas for me would be the "liftless lift" wear you used only one way shields to propel the player up to the the top level. I used that several times to avoid certain death. Definitely a nice escape route. The other area I like also involves a shield door. On the upper floor of the center building theres a shield door placed as a room divider that intersects with a combination of other objects to create a water feature-like object. Overall- ton of great aesthetics and solid symmetric gameplay that works well with a variety of gametypes. One criticism not about the map, but about the post: You need a better map thumbnail image. The current one is not doing the map justice. Try and find a better angle with more of an overview.
Thanks guys! I know, I need to take another picture. None of the ones capture it the way I want. I've yet to upload the Juicy version. I will probably release it tomorrow. I need to try a 6v6 game on here, just to see what it's like. Hosting a custom games day on Sunday at 2PM CST, if anyone's interested.
Flags & Yellow room. This map plays best (in my opinion) with multi-flag. Swat was alright too, but I'm not a fan of swat. The yellow room (and outside around it) is the site of some awsome battles! The spawns were good and the gameplay overall was smooth. Its a great map and it didn't take long to learn it. Glad to read you fixed the lifts, that was really one of the only flaws I saw in this map from the two nights I tested it last week. I just realized that Im like a mouse, and always follow the outside walls of a map. Watching your video, I had no idea there was a center lift! lol. Runtime, if Im on Sunday, just send out an invite, but at that time Im ususally not.
Thanks, Clubhouse! I wanted to make sure I got a good video of the lifts in the middle, since it's harder to capture in a pic. Multi-flag was really fun and felt very balanced. Thanks for the comments, everyone!
In the tests that I have played on this map, Koth and Slayer, it played magnificent. I highly recommend this map, for both it's aethetic splendor, and it's unique playablility.
Thanks, Jim. That slayer game was a blast. Needed more people for the KoTH game, but it was still fun. Still hosting a customs games day on Sunday, Oct, 24 @ 2PM CST. Anyone is welcome.
I'll try to be there, but I'm hosting Forgetacular Contest playtesting around that time. If you have trouble with the customs, you are more than welcome to join mine, if it's still ongoing, should be though, the last one went 4 hours long FML.
It's a nice looking map. Doesn't look like there are any frame rate drops and the gameplay seemed fun in the video. Definite DL.
Thanks for all the comments guys! The only place that I've seen framerate drops are when you are in the bases looking out the glass windows towards the middle of the map. Its very slight and doesn't affect gameplay.