Hey guys, I posted a map here about a day ago hoping to get a reply. But since then I haven't gotten one post and I was hoping I could get some reviews? Is this because my map is bad? It's a racetrack btw.
Where's the thread or what is the map called? It could be because it's bad, or more likely it's just not an enticing thread. There's a whole lot of maps and previews of maps being posted right now, you need a good hook and some interesting screenshots usually to get any attention. (Or you can be a "name" around Forgehub - but that's a rant for another time.) Dress your thread up as much as you can without being annoying about it. Post a few screenshots showing your map from the most flattering angles - show off any good forging you did or something that is unique and eye-catching. Put in a description explaining why your map is at least a little different from all others of its kind. etc.
hi Avianion, I'm no reviewer, but i've added your map to my download list and will reply to your map thread with my thoughts when I can, keep forging
There isn't need to create a thread asking, it is fairly self explanatory your answer. People download maps they are recommended or that interest them. Usually that interest is how well the map is designed and what makes it different. So you have to ask yourself, "Is my map well designed and/or different from other maps?". If the answer is no to either of those options, it doesn't mean your map is bad, that is a matter of opinion, but the general opinion on a highly competitive (map) design website is that if either of those are no, then it is most likely a bad map, or just not original. In future, don't make threads trying to get attention to your map, other than videos in the video section. Good luck with the downloads BTW.
There are many factors on why a map may not get replies, however, the biggest factor at the moment is the mass of maps every map maker is making. We frown upon members trying to get there map attention via threads created or asking/linking in the shoutbox. I know it may seem like this at first, but ForgeHub is not just about posting your map, it's about creating relationships with the forgers around you. I know I've been here for some time and I have a wide circle of friends. Yea, that may mean I may get more comments than you, but it's because I know more people.