splaty smashy

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by da grey knight, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. da grey knight

    da grey knight Forerunner

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    splaty smashy, this is im my eyes the "next big thing". the game is by far not a one sided infection and is fun for both zombies and survivers.
    how the map is played is that there are the survivers, the spawn in the veical area and then drive down the massive ramp towards hords of zombies waiting at the bottom ready with their trusty plasma pistol and his random wepon. then viecals come flying down the ramp and attempt to splater him with their viecal of choice. enjoy the map and dont forget to rate, tag and recomend to your friends. enjoy

    when theres that many things comeing to you and all you have is a soard you know your scrued
    make shure to take the zomies out withthe power wepons
    BEAT DOWN!!!!!
    make shure to reach the teliporter 'before' blowing up
    game over gun :p......
    untill this happens

    plz rate and coment with your oppunion so i can make this map more epic then it alredy is

    gamer tag. Da Grey Knight
    #1 da grey knight, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2010
  2. jaybo1996

    jaybo1996 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay. first off, the map looks like fun, but you made it in quite a shitty way. The ramp going down isn't straight, and it appears to have a lot of bumps in it. That beeing said, it looks like an interesting mini-game. But, the PS at the end is completely un-neccasary. If they have something that hinders the fun of the other team, that is called imballance. If your map is imballanced, and your telling people not to complain, your doing it wrong.
  3. da grey knight

    da grey knight Forerunner

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    i see what you mean about the pictures making the map look bad, but i can ashure you that if you just play the map and not worry about a little bump here and there but enjoy your self then you will have a fun time. also this was my very first thing i made in forge so i recken i did a good job. but still its all about the game
  4. SDawg72

    SDawg72 Forerunner

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    Its nice to see a new mini game map in Halo Reach that wasn't from Halo 3 but this map seems to be a little bumpy and uneven in some parts. By the way, I really like this map, but like I said, this is more of a mini game map and it should be in the mini game section. I will give it a 8/10 but this is only from the screenshots. I do think this will play well though. Good job!
  5. da grey knight

    da grey knight Forerunner

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    game play picks are in

    ya i see what u mean with the mini game thing but im new to this comunity and didnt know where to post, dont think it will make a difference. but when you play the map i can garentee that you wont notice a small bump or 2 because you will be to focused on the rockets and other things flying up at you :p
    also the screan shots are not the best to describe the map and im going to update it as soon as i get some game play picks.

    got the game play picks

    Edited by merge:

    got game play picks

    Edited by merge:

    game play picks are here

    Edited by merge:

    #5 da grey knight, Oct 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2010

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