Forged by: Phoenix Alpha 1 & XplosiveDonut A while ago I posted a map in here called Purgatory. Then it was just a work in progress, but now it is about to be unleashed to the world. Check out the pictures in my previous thread to see all the updates. We have made it our job to prevail where other remakes have fallen short. We don't cut corners, and we don't add things that we think are "cool". All we do is make the best, highest quality remake we possibly can. Our last remake can be found here: Imprisonment(Prisoner remake) Now for the pictures. Welcome to Purgatory. This is the image you see when the game starts. In the wall teleporter. First floor, going up. Keep in mind, this structure is Forerunner. Blue Spawn. Shotgun Spawns. (This is the original weapon layout, an updated version will be made later.) A catwalk. Floor above Shotgun spawns. The huge windows were added mainly because of the small little slits in the original map. Our goal was to give the space a more open feeling. Rocket Launcher Spawn. This is what is replacing the original ladder. Camo Spawn. We don't have giant purple pipes. But the rocks work. Another angle of the room seen above Sniper spawn, tunnel to the right leads to Red Spawn. Second Sniper spawn. One of the walls outside near the waterfalls, the wall opposite this one has a few windows in it. Here is the other wall. Red Spawn View of the camo I think our budget is down to about $20, so we were barely able to finish this map. The rocks may seem a little out of place, but they seem appropriate at the same time. Either way, they're staying, we don't have to budget to use anything else. We used a 30 degree snap to align the map well with the waterfalls. Bad idea. We got the map done, but it was way harder than it should have been. I suggest sticking to something better like 90 degrees. The only reason were not releasing the map now is because we haven't added all the game types and the spawn system isn't the way I like it yet. We'll also be submitting this map into the Testers Guild. Questions, comments? I would really like to hear everyone's opinion on this remake.
I my self was working on a remake of damnation for the competition. It was more accurate than most of the ones I have seen thus far (I think) but I haven't got the time to finish it. Yours in comparison to the others I have seen is good, but lacks the feel of the map, the purple that is and some points of accuracy. I like the use of rocks for the pipes, they would probably be the closest object to a cylinder. My main dislike is the use of the "window collision" I think it is, to me it looks kinda out of place. I also like the waterfalls in the background, good location choice.
Wow...just, wow. This looks amazing and it takes me right back to when I first played CE back in the day. The aesthetics are amazing and from the pictures it looks like it will play just like the original. Can't wait for this one!
I hope to see yours soon, I haven't been able to look through the whole list of remakes because I've been so busy with this one. I also like to avoid getting ideas from other maps so mine is completely original. The purple in the map is gone, yes, but since that is gone were assuming this is a Forerunner facility, and the Covenant have been visiting it, and making plans for their own. About the accuracy, do you mind pointing out the problems so we can get to work on fixing them? Yes the rocks were our best choice for budget and their shapes were pretty close and workable. We tried to get the windows in the best spot possible, so any issues with it we can't really fix. Also the map is Jetpack proof, you can get out, but not for very long before you fall to your death. (Two new pictures coming up, I forgot to show you Red Spawn.)
Lookin shnazzy. I never played Halo before Halo 3 (the Forge is what sold me on the series, amusingly enough), but this map looks really nice. I'm looking forward yo getting some playtime on this. You should probably consider submitting it to the Forgotten Treasures contest. It looks like it would hold its own quite well.
We are submitting it into the contest, but the game types and spawns haven't been perfected yet. I really wish I could run it through the Testers Guild before we submit it.