For People who want People to Forge with or Test out Maps This is networking forum I created for people to commingle! If you would like to find some people to forge or test out some custom games with, just sign up bellow. To sign up leave the following details: Gamertag: ******** Country: ***** State your preference: Forge / Costom Games / Both State your map type preference( or gametype for forge): Reach Competitive Maps/ Reach MLG Maps/ Reach Casual Maps/ Reach Race Maps/ Reach Mini Game Maps/ Reach Aesthetic Maps Or Your preferred Gametype: Invasion/ SWAT/ Slayer/ Infection/ Custom/ etc... Post a link to a map you have done if applicable( if not state n/a): For example me: Gamertag: the noob squad Country: Australia State your preference: Both State your map type preference( or gametype for forge): Reach Competitive Maps/ Reach Casual Maps/ Infection/ SWAT Post a link to a map you have done if applicable( if not state n/a):
Forgemates thread in Halo Reach Forge Discussion: