The gametype's settings are as follows: - 75% weapon damage - 90% normal resistance - Shield recharge rate 50%(slower) - Health recharge rate 50%(slower) - 75% movement speed - 200% player gravity - 0% jump height - Motion tracker OFF - Unlimited equipment usage - Loadout includes: DMR, shotgun, 1 plasma grenade, sprint/evade. - Hill moves every minute - Crazy King of the Hill style - 150 points to win - 10 minute time limit
I assume this is supposed to be kinda like gears of war 2's annex mode, which can be pretty fun despite the utter abomination of lag online. in gears' annex mode, i think it goes in an order, not random, but i could be wrong. if you werent aiming to be like gears' annex mode and the name was just a coincidence, then... yeah. make the gametype and attach a dl link. i'll test it with you if you want, maybe bring some friends.