I got the inspiration for this map as sort of a mashup of midship style gameplay on a map that reminded me of Beaver Creek. I wanted that sort of rotational gameplay you find in small maps, like Midship/Heretic, but I wanted it to have it's own feel with a bit of natural asymmetricism. This map is positioned on the Island in Forge World, but only utilizes a portion of it, the rest is cut out. Each side has it's own advantages for each team, so there's no real feeling of totally unbalanced gameplay. Each side spawns with a sniper, 2 DMRs, and a health pack. Players can battle over control of the rockets, and top side, which also holds the grenade launcher. This map seems to play fairly well with MLG settings, although a couple of the weapons aren't on exact time with the MLG settings. Screenshots Download Click here to go to the download page Let me know what you think!
sorry, 1/10, looks like you just through some walls and weapons down nd a little chubby bridge and was dne.
good idea i guess....but poor execution. You essentially made a tiny map with no cover except across the water on the bridge. Im assuming its only 1v1 becaseu anything else would be SPAMMAGE, but then it is still awful because who ever withs the first fight then controls the sniper and rockets and with this open of a map they can soooooooo easily spawn camp.
I hope you guys actually tested the map, because if you did you would have realized that the lines of sight are actually hard for spawn camping. You can't see every spawn either side from top side. I suggest you actually try it if you haven't.
This is the most balanced map I have played lately. I suggest actually downloading it and trying it out. It is really pleasing on the eyes and reminded me a lot of midship/heretic. I like the arena feel to it and made for solid DMR battles.
Regardless of the sight lines, which were all right (I could still see the other team's spawn from various angles from the map) this map could still only be at maximum 2v2. Any more than 4 players and the balance breaks down.