Coastal Pipeline is a semi-symmetrical map. Probably the first thing you'll notice is the "pipe" itself, the huge grey tube surrounding the map. Its a 3/4 full circular pipe, the open end leads out the ocean (which isn't actually shown properly in any of the screenshots). You'll then notice the 3 buildings. The 2 small player bases; one red and one blue are simply constructions with teams initially spawning with the base on their left. The third base structure is the huge thing looming over one side of the map. You can't get in it, I just thought that side of the map looked a bit odd seeing as the other side is totally open and there would otherwise be this huge pipe which looks totally useless. Now it only looks partially useless! Anyway, base 3 is aesthetic, you can see it across the map, its a good reference point. I wasn't planning on building both sides of the pipe, seeing as players can only interact with the inner half, but I didn't like the incomplete feel the map had when you sort of got a peek over the edge while jet packing. So yeah, I completed the other half of the pipe. Each base has a grav lift on to the roof, there's a ramp right next to it but the ground around blue base is slightly lower than the ground at red base. You can jump on to the ramp from the side of each base but its a steeper jump at blue base so it takes longer to get to the shotgun spawn (on the roof) so I stuck the grav lifts in to improve symmetricity. Sniper rifles, yay or nay? Currently there aren't any because I thought the map might be too open but I think I may have been over cautious and used too many CQC weapons. Each base has a shotgun, theirs a sword in the middle and 2 plasma repeaters mid way between the bases (one on one side of the bridge, the other by the "water gate"). There's also 4 DMRs, 2 plasma pistols and 2 needlers. I may try sniper rifles when I test it later. The lights, I like the effect they have on the foliage but does anyone thinking I've placed them in an awkward position? I did have 2 whites lights merged with the struts opposite each base and that lit a few features up nicely. Any other thoughts?
I like what you did with this map, the lights were a nice touch, it looks pretty and fun to play on. I would also have to say, 'yay' concerning the sniper rifle. But I would suggest putting only one sniper rifle in the middle of the map. So then you have all of these players running towards it at the beginning of the round.
This, Is, AWSOME! I'd say yay to a sniper rifle, but might I suggest putting it somewhere like the centre of the pipe? That way its harder to get it outside quickly because you have to enter the pipe, fight for it and then get out again. I can see some very unique gameplay happening in this map.
OK, I've made a few changes. I removed those light structures. I slept on it and decided I didn't like them. A bit of shifting of the weapons. A sniper rifle now spawns on one side of the bridge and the sword has been moved to the platform in front of the big building. Those 2 power weapons are an equal distance from each base. I redid the bases to make them look a lot neater which allowed me to remove those grav lifts because now that ramp splits in to 2. Solving the time taken to get to the roof issue. Game types so far: Slayer, Infection, Oddball, KotH, CTF (mostly), Headhunter and Stockpile. I'm going to see how well Invasion can work on a medium sized map. I know Invasion was made with BTB in mind but all the maps I've seen have been very large BTB maps. I'll get some new screenshots of the progress.
Cool looking map. Can you get inside the pipe at all? It would pretty sweet to be able to get into that thing, maybe go zipping through it in a mongoose (think the outside track on Rat's Nest).
No, the pipe is just an outer wall. I just didn't want to use coliseum walls. Some more updated screenshots: Red Team starting cam Blue Team starting cam Improved Blue Base Improved Red Base I've used very few basic blocks for this map. All the inclines are used (mostly in the pipe, even though when I originally planned it I worked out I should have only needed about half of what I had a available, I made changes though) and everything else seems to be made from Decorations or Buildings! Oh! Also, in those starting cam shots, you can see my nice smooth rocky areas by the stream
Forge World's selection of circular and radial geometry is rather disappointing, and I've always loved seeing such things in Forge maps... That pipe alone gives me reason to love your map! The rock formations are also well done -- ever since I've messed with rocks in Forge, I've always loved seeing a good rocky section, and you've created several.
That pipe is awesome, just be sure to keep it outside the safe zone to ward off any pesky jetpack snipers. Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a spiritual successor to isolation? Overall great map.
I love your pipe, I'll be DLing it just to play with it. Innuendo'd. But seriously, it's an awesome and unique build. Hurry and finish.
I think this map is too small for Invasion. But can't hurt too try, I would suggest Invasion Slayer though.
thanks for saying "spam" and looking like an asshole. i was just trying to dl the map. is that too hard? He didn't really mention anything to fix except weapon placement (snipers, etc.) and i dont really care if that's complete. i just wanna play. so give me a freaking dl link. On topic: i think you should add some rock structure near the bottom left side (opposite the 3rd base) just as another height advantage for that side of the map.
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Its not 100% finished yet but I'm away from my xbox until Monday, so I uploaded the WIP version. If you really want a look round then I'm sure you can find my file share.