Where can I find said rules? After looking up a bit it seems just that a map would have to have no hiding spots or points of unfair advantage, but I'm not sure.
Basically a good competitive map, doesn't have to be huge on asthetics. With emphasis on multiple LOS for teamshooting. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Keep MLG gametype modifications in mind as well, such as running speed and all. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow, also forgot, has to have the correct weapon spawntimes, currently they don't have automatic weapons in MLG so there are no weapon spawns for any of those, so you might have to get creative, or just not include any automatics.
So, according to that link, I have to have those weapons and armor abilities with those respawn timers exactly? Why would they put a 10 second respawn timer on DMR's but 60 seconds on needle rifles?
Because MLG sucks... Anyway in all seriousness, it sucks Because the needle rifle is better than the DMR by far
If you want it to be a true MLG map, then IF you include those weapons, then they must have the same respawn timers as MLG settings. They put DMR's on a 10 second timer, because everyone starts with them, and they want it to have ammo allways available, or sumthing like that. Needle rifles are longer, becasue they can do esentially auto-fire.
Not every map has all of those weapons, and you definitely don't have to use those timers exactly (except for the AAs at 1s and the putting timers 2s short thing) but that's the full list of what is on current MLG v1 maps. V2 will probably look pretty different so I wouldn't get too attached to these settings anyway.
Actually, it's not. Why else would Bungie include a DMR and a needle rifle class in Slayer Pro? I've tested them, and what Bungie did is shown below: DMR: Kills in 5 headshots Kills in 7 body shots 15 rounds per clip = 3 kills per clip 60 + 15 max ammo = 15 kills max ammo Needle Rifle: Kills in 7 headshots Kills in 9 body shots 21 rounds per clip = 3 kills per clip 84 + 21 max ammo = 15 kills max ammo Basically, the needle rifle is better at close range.
like some one said already LINES OF SIGHT! maps the encourage movement and areas that are "more" open then most non-mlg maps. Make the person win with their DMR (dee-mer <---easier to say then D-M-R) skills or snipe skills.
your forgetting the heat seeking and needle explosion. at least, im pretty sure it was heat seeking. it has some sort of aiming advantage, is all i can remember, i dont use it very often. and the needle explosion can occur.
No, I'm not. The needle rifle is not, as previously stated, heat seeking, and when I say 9 body shots that includes the supercombine explosion. But anyways, this thread is getting off-topic. If you wish to talk about the differences between the DMR and needle rifle, make a new thread.
Agreed, back on topic: does anyone know whether the MLG convention of subtracting 2 seconds from the desired respawn time on power weapons (for example, set it to 118 seconds for a 2 minute respawn) is only relevant for drop spawned weapons, or do non-drop spawned weapons/powerups etc. also suffer from the same discrepancy?
I'm pretty sure they do have the same problem. The timer just plain restarts ~2 seconds after the weapon is disturbed (by dropping or getting picked up/moved) in this game. WAY better than Halo 3 still.
The 2 second discrepancy is for drop spawn weapons only (sniper and rockets). It takes two seconds for a dropped weapon's timer to become active. So a snipe with 118 seconds respawn takes two minutes to respawn in real terms.
I understand the timer thing on dropspawns and why they're used, but can anyone tell me how to set this up for a weapon?
Not sure if its the same for Reach but in Halo 3 you would create an object (a crate or whatever), place the weapon on top then delete the object so the weapon spawns in mid air.