
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheGreatHibiki, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    'A Monument to all your sins.'

    A little 'slayer' / 'one sided objective' map with a BIG aesthetic feature. It's incomplete in the picture here:
    The Monument:
    The Autumn's rear end:
    The Autumn up close:


    And sadly this map was lost due to a save glitch. I'll be redoing it but I thought since I had the pictures of the old one then maybe I could get some ideas from the group and try some new things if they sound good.
  2. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    What if you put the Autumn off in the distance? That way it looks like it did in the ending. Also, not to be a ****, but the map doesn't really stand out all that much. It looks like a lot of the other walkway maps people are putting out, I'd spend a bit more time designing the playble area.
  3. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    Man you really don't stop do you? ignore this guy, hese been posting negative comments on me and hasn't even looked at any of my maps. PS playable is spelled wrong.

    I like the map for its idea. The Pillar of Autumn is made to be miniature and the halo ring.
    Its like a statue for a theme. I would recommend cutting out some of the objects used to make it and simplify so you can build more of the map below it (if relocated to the island). I would also make more use of the island and possibly make the map less in the air and more in the ground with the platforms. Other then that great job.
  4. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    What are you going on about? I've never communicated with you before now. I looked at your profile to see if I've posted on any of your threads, and I haven't. You've made one thread, and I didn't even read it before now.

    PS - he's is spelled wrong
  5. Avolanty

    Avolanty Forerunner

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    Sorry the Pokemon thing or whatever reminded me of someone else, your right, still dude you were pretty harsh on this guy.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I tend to agree here. Not trying to just be negative - the monument looks really sharp, but the map around it looks like a few ramps and a couple platforms. There's just not much to it.
  7. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    That's what I was getting at. The ship looks awesome, but the map looks like you just wanted to build something around it.
  8. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Sadly that is true, I never got a chance to really build up the other areas, I saved it then moved to a mostly finnished map i call Chaos. I had a friend ask about this map and when i tried to open it it only opened Chaos from then on.
  9. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    we dont baby people here, we say what has to be said, and if you get all teary-eyed over what some kid on the internet said than GTFO.
    as for the map, im almost glad you have the chance to start over. the playable area wasnt going anywhere, and the autumn, although cool, probably wasnt the worlds hardest thing to make. you made it really well, but its simple enough where it shouldnt take much time to recreate it. i dont know how easy it will be to build an open roof map below this though, that looks good aesthetically.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Not to be a ****, but you are a ****. There really isn't anything to make this map stand out besides a badass ship in the middle.

    About the actual map, it might be good to expand the map a little and make use of the island, but otherwise there is nothing wrong with it. Apparently that jerk thinks making a small map is bad. What's wrong with 1v1 again?
  11. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    He even said all he did was put some stuff around it. You could have the best aesthetics in the world, if the map plays like **** it doesn't matter.
  12. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    Wow! You've been posting stuff with some really great ideas (this one is no exception)! The rest of the map you've built looks quite bland and uninspired. You're falling into the trap that many people already have in that there's too many skinny floating walkways. If you look at bungie maps, they tend to not do this. You could argue that The Cage and Pinnacle might do this, but they also have a good amount of larger continuous spaces. I really hope you go back and focus more on the rest of the map. If you do this, I'm sure you'll have a very succesful map post on our hands.

    And guys, let's not start a flame war. Just cause the guys said the rest of the map wasn't very good doesn't mean you have to crucify him. All he did was state his opinion. By namecalling and insults all you're doing is making yourself look stupid. So let's stick with some actual feedback perhaps?
  13. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    So just having a little fun

    Now this is going to be very childish of me but I was wondering if the saying, "A monument for all your sins..." was what influenced this map idea. :D

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