"keyys secret armory... from the outside, just an island base. but hidden somewhere deep inside the island, is commander keyys secret armory, full of UNSC military equipment. many people have died on this island trying to find it. so, can you?" hey everybody, bennymaggot here! this is my first map i am posting on forgehub, so dont expect it to be perfect. keyys secret armory is a slayer & team slayer map for 2-16 players. there are plenty of power weapons and amour abilities hidden around the island to keep the fight going. but, unlike most maps, this one has a secret... hidden somewhere on the map is a teleporter, the teleporter leads to the secret armory of commander keyys. i have hidden the teleporter EXTREMELY well, so dont get your hopes up on finding it (its not one of the 2 teleporters that are in plain sight on the island.) but i will give you a clue: you need a jetpack to get it, and you cant see the teleporter at-all. to be honest, the armory is just a sort of easter egg, because really at its core this is a slayer map, the armory is just a little bonus. well heres some extra info and pics. please download the map and try it out, and i would appreciate your freed-back! here is a large view of the front of the Island. this is the main bunker and some of the platforms. their are platforms leading from the bottom of the Iceland to the bunker at the top. there are also some shortcuts around the place, like teleporters and a cannon man. this teleporter is on a platform half way up the Iceland. it teleports you directly to the bunker at the top. a side view of the bunker. get your grenades ready! heres just one of the rooms in the bunker! all together their are about 4 rooms. heres one of the smaller platforms. a good place for an ambush! if you get the high ground, you can rain death from above!... en-till someone assassinates you. one of the larger platforms. "boom" as you can see here, there is 1 banshee on the map. its quite well hidden, but i expect someone will find it fairly quickly. but as you can see, dont expect to dominate the game, as there is a not to well hidden spartan laser on the map. (NOTE: their are kill boundaries so you cant go flying the banshee around forge here it is, commander keyys secret armory. packed with 3 grenade launchers, a rocket launcher, 3 shotguns, 3 spartan lasers, 3 health packs, 2 sniper rifles, 4 DMR's & six assault rifles. yes, if you find the armory, prepare to get allot of kills... but like i said theirs a vary slim chance you will find it . but if you do, ones you grab your gear you can exit through a sender node that teleports you to 1 of the 2 two way nodes on the map. (NOTE: every weapon in the armory has only 1 spare clip and does not re-spawn, to prevent people who find it continuously going back to get more gear.)
Not too bad. Played a clan war on this and only 1 person found teleporter by accident. Very tactical gameplay and thats something alot of maps dont have. +Sniped the guy as he came out the armory and took the ewapons. KILLING FRENZY!!!!!!!
Want to tell me where the armory is? i kid, i kid. At first we all loaded up this map. Interesting as it is. it is a very competitive map. but we would love to see a infection variant. it would be pretty cool starting at the bottom and climbing up to the top off the island, and the infected are coming from above. so it would be pretty cool. (Keyes) its spelt Keyes mate. 8/10 Aesthetics 6/10 Gameplay 8.4 TOTAL It was a very fun map to play well done for a first i guess! Now i am away to find that armory! haha
wow thanks, didn't think i would get anything that positive for my first map. and glad to see someone found the armory! [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks! and actually it started off as an infection map, but i changed it to slayer. but i will make it infection as soon as i can. (sorry for my terrible spelling)
its cool dude! take into consideration of what i said and you will be on your way to a lot of downloads! STILL AINT FOUND THAT ARMORY!