I'm making a series of puzzle based, reflex intensive single player maps that require the knowledge of grenade and rocket jumping, driving vehicles across shield doors, complex puzzle solving and finding hidden items. These are the Action Mazes. Action Maze one has evolved into a full fledged albeit short maze. You could consider it a demo of things to come. On to the screens! Action Maze one, now requires Maze Mode as well. The first puzzle of the first acton maze. After you figure out the first puzzle you make a hard choice. It's a life or death decision! I hope your mongoose bouncing skills are good. The room with the soccer balls is the goal. Get here and you win! Action Maze 2 Over 2X the puzzles of the original action maze, this map features brutal, 1 chance only, brain tease and reflex intensive puzzles. Action Maze 2 and up will require "maze mode" Which is slot 15 on my fileshare. Action Maze 2 is 16 and Action Maze is 11. Screens The first puzzle is a new spin on a puzzle from the first Seems simple enough. Hey! Who put that there? Over the wall! can you get there? Don't fall because you can't get back up. Find a way up to here, you're getting close! A tight squeeze. Yes you can make it. Don't be silly. Hooray! Victory! Questions? Critiques? Post away, and thanks for playing! Links Action Maze 1 http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34003243 Maze Mode http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34003228 Action Maze 2 http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34003532
Hmm, seems good for your first couple of puzzle games. But I would like to point out that you should probably post links of each map and gametype because people on these forums are lazy and just want direct links and such. Also - I will download and review this soon
Im a big fan of puzzle maps and i might Dl if i dont already have 100 things of content. Oops sorry i do have 100, Ill get back to you...........
How's the map play for you all? Has anyone broke it yet(I couldn't but you never know)? I'll try to eliminate (or at least reduce) the "clip w/ goose/turret" thing by Action Maze 3.
For action maze i can't even get past those first two grav lifts.... As for action maze 2 ive only gotten to the first grenade jumping part. Really addicting but pretty tough. My only critique is that its all one-chance stuff. Make stuff like grenades spawn back, even if it's a really long time. I can see why you make it a 1-shot thing, so people practice more, but it's a bit frustrating.
3's going to be harder, with timed puzzles and 3 territories to capture instead of just one. 4 will be different and most likely be on Ghost Town. Time will be a factor. for the grav lifts you ride them up and shoot them (just use normal slayer) For 2 the first one is the one with the grav lift on the corner, if that's what you're talking about just through it in the corner and jump before it goes off. Plasma grenades are easier to time since there's a sound cue but frags are easy too with practice. Glad you like it, hope you can get in a groove and enjoy them instead of just being frustrated with them.
I used to be into puzzle maps, until I seen everything and there was no challenge, Looks good, but I don't think Im goin to dl.
Ohhhhh, i played action maze 1 with the gametype for the 2 and up action mazes, now i feel incredibly stupid.....(a familiar feeling..)
Action Maze 3:Revenge of the Maze is ready. It's a bit shorter but the puzzles are more subtle and some are crazy. 3 territories to capture this time. If the game mode doesn't have 3 second respawn let me know and I'll re-upload it. There's also a lot of red herrings so don't go wasting nades without exploring all your options first. You have 3 minutes to capture the second territory which also leads to the others. You've also been given a spare p-nade just in case. Screen time First puzzle, you have 45 seconds to solve it before a gate locks the teleporter. My beloved fence box puzzle is back. Harder than it looks trust me. I'm..in the box! Wee! Welcome to the pain room! There's a territory in here, with the custom power up you have 10 secs of life to find it. Good luck! You'll need it! edit- please note that the first screenshot is out of date and the man cannon has been replaced with a standard door. http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=34004106
Alright i broke maze one in three spots but two are to hard to explain so the easiest one was i just mongose trickd through the wall then captured the territories from there I broke maze two by saving my grenades and my grav lift and only used one renade to grenade jump off the fence porch thing to get in the teleporter then on the one set of stair there was a whole i got through useing the falling crouch trick seen in buddhacranes puzzle then just grenade jumped and gravlifted to the territory
Skut i broke your third one i got out f the room with the man cannon on the door by jumping inbetween the man cannon and the fence that was on the right if your facing the cannon then grenade jumped out of the the area by jumping on the walls then grenade jumping on the boxes then getting the other two territories just by jumping P.S. i will get the vids up so you can see EDIT: heres the link http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=sage%20warrier714 its the last three