Beaver Creek V2 An almost perfect remake of the classic halo map Beaver creek. Best with 2-8 players and works great with slayer, CTF, Assult and KOTH. Works with most other game types. I shouldnt have to tell you what this map looks like. It is a remake of Beaver Creek(Battle Creek) and has all the same areas. Some heights and distances were changed to mesh with Halo Reach physics. (EDIT) I have recently updated this map to Version 2. I have fixed the frame rate issues and the low soft kill barriers as well as some small tweaks to make the best Beaver Creek remake even better. DMR x6 Needler x2 Needle Rifle x2 Shotgun x1 Sniper x2 Rockets x1 Magnum x2 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Rifle x1 Plasma Grenades x4 Frag Grenades x8 Health Packs x3 Please let me know what you think. Red bases sniper perch (sniper spawn) Front of blue base (main entrance and front basement entrance) Back corner of blue base (teleport) Red base from rock arch (rocket spawn) Blue base from rock arch (rockets) Rock Arch (rockets) Rear of red base (teleport) Inside base corner (objective) outside blue bases side basement entrance (Needles spawn) Inside base basement (DMR/plasma grenades spawn) View through the base window. (objective spawn/capture)
are there any more pictures of the map? no-one will download of they cant see a good overview of your map... maybe add a weapon list as well?