
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by atom alchemist, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. atom alchemist

    atom alchemist Forerunner

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    Please leave feedback so i can improve on my forging, this is the second map i have every forged.

    "No one knows why this structure is here, and fewer still are willing to learn. 6-16 Players"

    Sānctuārium is a large square symmetrical map, it features 5 floors, and a single solitary room outside of said floors, it has several long sight lines perfect for mid to long range fights and each floor has areas with cover placement meant to encourage close range combat.

    There are several key landmarks to encourage orientation on this map, few of which being the long central building on the bottom floor, the large central "stonehenge" like shrine suspended above the center of the map give a advantageous site line to anyone who is willing to take it.

    The Main "Bases" are two multi-floored structures across from each other, with specific aesthetic features to help with orientation, i have dubbed them, "rubber base" (because of the Stunt ramps similarities to a rubber chop block) and "rock/Stone base" names so for obvious reasons.

    There are the following weapons on the map,
    Rocket Launcher X2 - with 2 rounds each and on a 120 second re-spawn,
    Shotguns X2 - with 12 rounds each on a 90 second re-spawn,
    Sniper rifle X1 - with 12 rounds on a 120 second re-spawn.
    Concussion Rifle X2 -12 rounds each on a 60 second re-spawn.
    DMR X3 - 45 rounds each on a 50 second re-spawn.
    Needle Rife X3 - 63 rounds each on a 50 second re-spawn.
    Needler X2 - 72 rounds each on a 60 second re-spawn.
    Plasma Pistol X2 on a 50 seconds re-spawn.
    Gravity Hammer X1 on a 120 second re-spawn.
    Grenade Launcher X1 - 6 rounds on a 105 second re-spawn.
    Plasma grenade X10 on a 15 second re-spawn.
    Fragmentation Grenades X9 on a 15 second re-spawn.

    Here is a over view of the uppermostmost floor, taken from "Rubber Base"

    Here is a over view in the reverse coming from "Rock Base"
    Here is a picture of a long distance shot of the entire map


    Here is a view from one of the bottom floors spawning area's.


    Here is a picture of the completely enclosed gravity lift which go from second floor to the fourth floor (and passes through the third floor) you also see one of the rocket launchers which only has 2 rounds.

    Here is a picture taken from outside the stone henge, rubber base entrance, you can see the sniper rifle resting in the center.



    Here is a link to the whole album on image shack, so that if you wish to view other images feel free to look.
    ImageShack Album - 16 images
    #1 atom alchemist, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  2. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    This map is good, but it lacks something very important. Neatness... the whole map looks like it was thrown together. The rock are practically even and it looks like there is a lot of access things. Try not to make the map too clustered or with everything on it
  3. atom alchemist

    atom alchemist Forerunner

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    What areas are you refering too?, Cause i had originally intended for stonehenge to have a rough ground, but i can always smooth it out, and if you have any ideas on how to save budget, i am more then willing to listen.this is my second forge map, ever, and it is the first one to actually receive feedback.
    #3 atom alchemist, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  4. ryukage19

    ryukage19 Forerunner

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    a lot of people dont seem to realize you dont need a hyper complex map for it to be good. take my map Ancient Construct for example. i used somewhere around 20-30 pieces in its construction (not including spawns/weapons/killzones/etc), that isnt so bad because the entire map is made to be set up for a simple 4v4 arena or mlg map, and it was created on the sole idea that it be enclosed but that it would still be easy to get to different places on the map without any kind of problems.

    although your map is fairly good there are a few problems.
    1) the idea of the enclosed floors can get a bit disorienting unless the space seems more open, like windows along the wall pointing to the rest of your map so players can see where they are in relation to everywhere else. in my map its set up so that from most places exept for some of the spawing a oreienting structure is visable at all times. and beyond that the enclosed structures have a sutble hint by where the light is coming from (its in the grifball court) thats why the pit was so awsome because no matter where you spawned the light from the chainlink side and the natural shape of the map would always give you a sense of direction.
    the orienting features on your map seem to be the towers and the "stonehenge" area. which dont work very well unless you can either see the giant center tower or the absence of one on the other side. which under this plan are not always visable. i would hate to spawn inside one of those closed rooms and spend a minute trying to find my way out

    2)some of your merges look a bit sketchy. as a rule of thump if you dont see any kind of glassed in lights your atleast close. another rule is if you can walk over a merge and the bump is either barely or not noticable your good. in picture five you can see the lights on the side of the block and it can be very distracting. if you notice something in a place where it should never be noticed you have a problem. and the noticability of that merge alone is glaring. also i see a couple of ramps and bridges sticking up into space when they have no apparent use it just gives a cluttered affect which is the last thing you want. clutter takes attention away from the battle at hand and takes away the purpous of your map which is for people to have fun. you do need a few things that are more asthetic than useful but they must be few in number and they have to point something out. with my map i created a center area using 4 satalight (sp i kno) antennas and a kill ball that instantly tells everyone "CENTER OF THE MAP RIGHT HERE" also any structures around the map that are asthetic point centerward. this creates a focal point that can instantly serve as a location reference especially with team games as the braces at the base of the structure point to which team belongs to what base.
    your map has a high probability of people getting confused because several things want to be the focal point and our brains can only handle one point at a time. if i were you i would take out the random paths headed into the sky and the stonehenge. id then replace the stonehenge with a flat platform with some cover on it and i would make a tower that can be seen from almost anywhere on the map above the "rubber tower" you dont have to let people in it, just make sure they see it so they know where they are.

    sorry for the wall but i feel like quite a few good points are contained within it
  5. atom alchemist

    atom alchemist Forerunner

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    now i might be coming off as a bit harsh here, but did you even play the map?or did you just look at the pictures?because none of the floors are completely enclosed, in fact almost all floors are open to the center and floor across the map, the only exceptions are the few amounts of covoer to to allow player to get out of long range rights.

    and in terms of a focal point you have the center structure on the first floor, the central platform, with its brace on the third floor, and the brace leads to support stonehenge on the 5th floor. the rubber and stone walls mark teh end of the map, and a backstop for the floors.

    i'll give it more playtesting to see how get a better general idea of it, but from where i stand, (and i could be biased) several of your points seem to me to be said without even playing teh map.
  6. ryukage19

    ryukage19 Forerunner

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    i haven't played the map but my x-box is currently in the shop and i didn't have the chance to. even so i had a few tips looking at the pictures and decided to get them off my chest. sorry bout the first one being wrong but i think the points about the stonehenge area and the bridges sticking into the sky are still valid points

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