My first but not last puzzle map. Its Pretty hard but I've thrown some hints in there. This map is complete with Invasion based checkpoints to pick where you spawn or on a partner. Chose Red Team And don't use other players to escape like double jumping. This map is completely beatable by yourself. I would love feedback. I originally had this much harder and had to nerf it for everyone who doesnt know how to jump and use common sense. So let me know if my next map should be harder or not. If you guys think i should upload a solution or maybe hint video let me know. Keep in mind this is my first forged map. Enjoy!!! Master your golf shot or be stuck forever. It's not as hard as it first looks. Keep an eye out for hints. Msg me for hints if needed. Reach The end to reveal your victory.
You need some images and/or a video to have this post up to standards. Also logic tells you people aren't going to download a map they cant preview before hand.
Just played it, and WOW its one of the best puzzle maps i have played yet! I was stuck in the first room for a bit until i saw your hint hehe. The soccer ball balance is brilliant (wont give that surprise away) and the ending was really satisfying. The 2 pictures don't give it justice IMO, you should upload more. Keep them coming 5/5
Thanks Hippie im glad you had such a fantastic time! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Cmon people i need some kind of feedback.
i love this puzzle!!! especially the balancing room, it made me rage when i nearly got to the end and then fell off! are there any hints that you can give me for the goflball room as i cant seem to figure out what to do...
Emmm i can't really give feed back cos i can't get pass the 1st room hint perhaps?? or at least direct me to the hint in the game
@SkyBlade Alright for the golf room there is a reciever teleporter under that crate you can figure out the rest @GeeMan Theres something you can find in the first room....Put that together with the giant arrow in the room and you'll figure it out. Im Glad a lot of people are enjoying my map.
This puzzle really did have quite a few great ideas. Most of the puzzles were very clever and well done. I was impressed.
@halcyon Thx man once again this is my first map ever made so my next one will be much better and if theres anything at all you guys think i could improve throw it out there.
This map was awful mate. Not trying to be mean. But the point of puzzle maps is for it to present a challenge and not a frustrating and horribly boring trap. This is the worst puzzle map in my opinion... You have a mind of pure diamond definitely but you shouldnt make this so unbearable and hard. I had to go into forge and could barely figure out this mess.
invasion. what a great idea for a puzzle map. i like your style. ill DL it when i get my new xbox. but still. invasion. i never wouldve thought about it, but what a perfect checkpoint system!
@Lyles Sry bout that dude ill make a maze just for you.... how bout a hallway that leads to the end is that ok? My map is in the top 50 download page on reach which doesnt really mean much but it isn't poop. Constructive criticism plz. @xWooden Leafx thx man i had played a couple maps and noticed teleporters disappear fast when making checkpoints so i used Invasion and it worked great its my first map and in my second one ima make sure the checkpoints are at key locations hope you enjoy it.