Remake Foundation

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by kizzav, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. kizzav

    kizzav Forerunner

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    Here's my remake of Halo 2's, Foundation.

    It is as accurate & identical as I could get (screenshots will show how accurate). If not, download it. :)




    Room 1

    Room 2

    Room 3

    Room 4
    #1 kizzav, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  2. OxaD

    OxaD Forerunner

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    One of the best remakes yet. Foundation has always been one of my favorite maps, the remakes in H3 were no where near what Foundation looked like, and alot of the ones I've downloaded in Reach haven't been very good either. This takes the cake imo.
  3. kizzav

    kizzav Forerunner

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    To those of you who have downloaded my map, could you reply with your thoughts etc on the map. Having my map downloaded many times is great, but if I get no feedback on whether the map is a success with the rest of the community, or not, then If I were to create/remake more maps, I'm going off +1 previous forge experience, 0 (zero) feedback.
    #3 kizzav, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  4. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its great i just have one concern an that is cover in the rooms ...and how theres not enough
  5. kizzav

    kizzav Forerunner

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    There never really was any cover in any of the rooms. The only thing that did provide cover were the movable boxes. However, with a lack of money left over after building the map, it's hard to try & find objects you can delete from your map to make back some of that money.
  6. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yeah i feel u i went to try to go into your map and add a couple boxes for cover for playing infection but the budgets mad ridiculous
  7. OxaD

    OxaD Forerunner

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    The boxes are pretty hard to move, so would be pointless if you added more, if he was to add atleast 1 more for infection gametypes it would probably have to sit halfway across a door (for that extra cover of holding the zombie out), and that would encourage campers specifically for that room in any gametype.
  8. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey I replaced your two "one way sheild 3 doors" with one "one way 4" and it covered the same space and cost 200$ less.

    Didn't know if you wanted to use that change or not
    #8 Aranore, Oct 5, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2010
  9. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I tried messaging you on but I kept getting weird error messages. It follows:

    From a fellow forger of remakes, I think you did a great job duplicating the structure, lines of sight, and flow of Foundation. I'm sorry if something sounds harsh, but my intention is only to bring your attention to the following issues:

    -You need more than 66 spawn zones, try getting it over 100.
    -You have more initial spawn zones than necessary. When initial spawns are all taken, the closest respawn point will be used. You need at most 8 for red and 8 for blue. 4 for green and orange respectively. More for infection spawns, but not nearly as many as you have.
    -6 health packs is too many, keep it to 2 or 4. Most maps usually have 3.
    -Rockets need to be on 180s respawn, 150s minimum and have 1 clip. (Even if no ammo can be on the map.)
    -Shotguns need a longer respawn and 1 clip.
    -Sword has a 30s respawn, should be 120s.
    -There are 18 grenade spawns on this small map, that's a lot! (try cutting back redundant spawns (4stickies in mid, sets of 3 grenades on sides, since you can only carry 2)
    -spawns should also never be backed against an edge or point to one closer than 1 unit away.
    -You also have 4 Extra large inclines inside blue base in the space 2 take. could save you a little budget...

    I hope this is the kind of feedback you were looking for. If it seemed harsh, keep in mind I did like your map enough to take the time and effort to compile this list.

    General suggestions:
    If you sink the gravity lifts down .5-1 unit (5.0-4.5 z-plane) it sends you up enough to completely clear the next level, but not so you fly above the map.
    #9 centurionomegai, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010

    DUDERMAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    One of the best remakes of any map made so far in reach's forge (and I've seen nearly all of 'em). Great work and I hope to see you work on other remakes.
  11. FATMAN192

    FATMAN192 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree with DUDERMAN it's fantastic. Ive seen a couple of remakes for foundry already but this was the one I downloaded. How you've used the rocks for numbers is interesting and I'm sure it saved you a fair bit of budget too. I loved this map on Halo 2 and its good to see it back.

    II GUNTHER II Forerunner

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    im glad you made the rooms like the original for infection. finally! :]

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