I don't understand why my flag wont spawn in the flag holder. It spawns right next to it. I've gone into other maps (bungie created maps) and I'm doing the exact same thing they're doing. It's probably an easy fix but I'm racking my brain trying to figure this out. Suggestions?
I haven't looked into this in depth, but isn't there a single CTF tag for flag spawn and return? If that's the case, it seems like those two points would always be the same, so you can't really have it spawn one place and have the capture plate in another place. I suppose you could put the stand in the middle of the plate and have it look like the flag was in the stand though. Maybe there's something I'm missing...
No no. The plate and the flag can be separate. If I move the flag holder. The flag moves with it, but it still remains a few feet away from the flag holder. Weird, I know.
I can see 2 possible problems. The first is one I was having trouble with yesterday. The flag holder has to be perfectly straight and the base bit should be just higher than the surface you're placing it on. The flag doesn't actually spawn in the holder, its spawns balanced on top of it. If the holder is at a slight angle then the flag just falls off. Or, it might just be because you've got those capture plates. You can use any item you like to spawn the flag, the type of object doesn't have any effect on it. I tried teleporter nodes for example. They looked pretty cool. I think you can only have the one flag spawn/capture item for each team.
Ok so I deleted the capture plate and the flag now spawns correctly. Does that mean that the flag holder now works as the capture plate? I'm alone so no one to test it with. If so, that works just fine in my situation but what if you wanted them to be separate?
That's what I was saying about the tag - I don't think it's possible any more. It was in Halo 3 but doesn't seem to be in Reach, because there's just one tag for both flag spawn and the goal. In your case, I wonder if what was happening was that you had a plate and a stand both tagged the same way, so it was just splitting the difference and spawning the flag between them, sort of..? edit - Have you tried playing with the spawn sequence at all? Maybe it uses that to determine where the flag goes. I haven't looked at Bungie's map setups, but if they have any with a separate capture plate and flag stand, check the spawn sequence numbers and see what they are. There would have to be some difference other than the tag. Unless it's doing some background shenanigans in the map that we forgers don't have access to.
The Flag Spawn and Capture Zone are one single entity. You cannot separate them like you could in Halo 3.
As I was saying, the item you use for the objective has no effect of how the game uses it beyond the label you give it. A "flag stand" doesn't have to be used as a flag spawn. You could use a rock if you like, even a Safe Zone so that the flag just pops out of nowhere. A "capture plate" doesn't have to be used to capture objects either.
I think that's clear, the question is what happens when you have multiple objects tagged as the flag spawn/goal for a single team, and how the system prioritizes them (IF it prioritizes them). I don't particularly care about this because I've never thought it was that necessary on any map to have the flag and goal be in slightly different locations, but I suppose others might want to experiment with multiple objects and sequencing just to see how the game handles it.
Try moving the capture plate away from the flag base. The case may be that the capture plate is "Magnetic" to flags, bombs, etc. Like a golf ball in the tin cup. Try that.
i didnt read the other replies but, if you set the Flag Stand to be Return Point, it will function as both the flag AND the return point. If you want to have the capture plate there anyway, for aesthetic value, set the capture plate's gametype label to "CTF." This means that its an object that will spawn in CTF games, but its not actually an objective for anything. This should solve your problem i think