Okay so I want that my Invasion map starts with a skydrop. I can do this very easy and just make the initial spawn points in the sky with a custom powerup below them. However I have a cooler idea. I made a tiny ship with 6 seperate chambers. The floor of these chambers consist of crates. After 10 seconds I want to spawn gravity lifts that pushes those crates away (in the ship) so that the Spartans drop. Problem is that the gravity lift hardly affects them and if I don't spawn them at start they don't affect them at all. Any ideas?
I don't really understand what you want to achieve. I'm making a guess that you've got chutes that are blocked by crates that will then move when the grav lift spawns. If a gravlift isn't placed at start, the object it should be moving will not move unless the object is touched/ stood near. This shouldn't be a problem if the person is standing on it because the object will move.
That is indeed what I want. It doesn't seem to be working good with grav lifts though. I tried it with heavy man cannons and it works a lot better
If you want to make it more interesting, this has been tested by the way.... Use Falcons as invasion re-spawn zones, instead of spawning with teammate you are automatically dropped under the falcon making you look like you were just airdropped and have the load out menu be Jet packs. So when they hit the ground place armor lock or what ever at their feet to make a change if they want to. The falcons have to be invincible, but hey so are pelicans. Its actually really cool cause a lot of airborne troops usually die in combat from falling so if your dropping them right on top of the enemy they just keep spawning from the falcon. By the way cool idea with drop pods, but it has a lot of flaw unless you are very precise with how they land. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You an I need to get together sometime on Forge, Gamertag Avolanty I have ideas of launching vehicles from the air and landing them at the shores(safely with no damage) where people land from spawning out of the falcons Kind of like in the movie a bridge to far.
You can also consider maybe making drop pods with barricades. Rifte Gifle posted a tutorial for making them. They don't always prove to be 100% lifesaving with more than one person though (i.e. they have a large margin of error).
Yeah thanks for the suggestions guys . The Falcon idea is really cool, like it a lot. I saw the drop pod tutorial, but since it doesn't always work I'm going with my option. Now I have 6 seperate chambers, you can see all your teammates. After a set amount of time (probably like 5 - 10 seconds) the crates will dissappear underneath you (maybe all at once, maybe at different times). In your drop you pickup a custom powerup that makes you invulnerable for X seconds to surivive the fall. I'm incorparating this in my Invasion map Didact (see signature).