Desired Forge Features

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kittenpaste Company, Oct 20, 2010.

  1. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    What do you wish they would implement with forge? Please excuse me if this is a double topic. I didn't see it posted elsewhere and the "official forge discussion" thread didn't seem like the right fit when I looked inside.

    Personally, I wish you could link items. Much like Second Life (hey, shut up!), you would select a number of objects at once, bring up a menu and select to link them. The parent object would be the last piece clicked. If you wanted to unlink an individual part, you could just do so from a menu.

    Another feature... up to 6 lights. >_> Yea... I want to be able to do maps with pitch black areas but I don't want everything to be pitch black. .-. 2 lights isn't enough on a large map. Heck, even the Arena takes 2 lights to properly illuminate if you're going dark.

    Non-canon items (items that don't fit into Reach's story). This is the last Halo title... I would love to have all of the weapons and vehicles from the other Halo games available (Carbine, Plasma Sniper, Spike Nades, Hornet... Pelican from the PC version :p, etc.). It would be up to us forgers to decide how to balance these without them being OP.

    In line with the above idea, more forging styles. As it stands, everything looks very "Forerunner". It lacks that "Human" or "Covenant" feel. Would also be awesome so have Flood objects (like pulsating fleshy decor, sometimes spewing gases or flailing tentacles) for our infection maps. True color variability would be awesome too. Think Soul Calibur CAS style color changing for objects. For the infection maps, corpses and blood decals would be icing on the cake.

    With all of those options, it might be nice to increase the budgets a liiiiitle bit or at least lower the cost on some items. I understand this is mostly about their hardware constraints, though.

    The ability to make specific vehicles unridable. Along with that, the ability to spawn a vehicle with a predetermined damage amount taken (would make that downed Falcon in "The Streets" even more awesome).

    The ability to make individual items gender/species/team specific in use or inability to use.

    And this last one isn't really forge-related but... the night vision or flashlights. Why can't we use those outside of certain modes?

    So what would you guys like to see?

    Edited by merge:

    Another desired feature - drag-cloning. You select an item, hold a button combination and drag is along an axis. The original piece is moved and a clone is left in its place. Of course, this is linked to your allotted item amounts. This would be great along with the linked item idea above. Link 2 items together, clone, rotate, link. 4 Items movable together. Great for custom structures. I'm playing too much Second Life again lately. >_>

    Can't double post I see?
    #1 Kittenpaste Company, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  2. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Actually technically beam rifles aren't non-cannon, campaign spoiler (even though any of you who haven't completed campaign yet, well, just, shame on you!)
    Kat got killed by a beam rifle to the head remember?

    I would love to clone objects, creating all those respawn zones for different gametypes is really annoying (I used a separate one of the same size for each gametype, took forever)
  3. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    That scene happened way too fast for me to notice what she was shot by. :p I just remember a hole in her head mid-sentence. x3 Though all the more reason for it to be in our arsenal. :p I'd love to be the elite responsible for her death (though a Jackal would be the more likely wielder x3).
    #3 Kittenpaste Company, Oct 20, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2010
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    It was a needler rifle.
  5. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    Cant believe no one has mentioned an undo feature. I get really ticked off when you have just finished aligning objects, then you try to place another object and accidentally move the object you just spent so long making perfect!

    And definitely agree on the object cloning option. annoys me when your trying to make complex symmetrical objects!
  6. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    The ability to "Stamp" objects would be really useful. Instead of having to constantly go back to the menu and pick out an object, just select one object, and say press "y" to place and instance of the object repeatedly.
  7. TheForeverAirman

    TheForeverAirman Forerunner

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    I'd like objects not to rotate randomly when I go to edit coordinates.
  8. infamyyy

    infamyyy Forerunner

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    An undo option i am forever deleting the wrong thing. Or maybe a feature to stop me being such a tard whilst in forge.
  9. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Undo option is numero uno for me. It is so easy to grab the wrong thing, especially when you're messing with spawn points.
  10. pab1o

    pab1o Forerunner
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    I would like finer control on co-ordinates and angles in 'edit co-ordinates', another decimal place would be nice, maybe holding down a trigger while changing a value allows you to tweak the second decimal place value.
  11. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Most of these would've taken a lot of effort to implement into the game, but my only gripe is how hard it is to accurately move an object up and down. It's useful to be able to move an object side to side and back and forth without changing the height, but there could've been a toggle option. Sort of like in Halo 3 Theater where you could toggle Pan Cam on/off to lock your height. Would've been a useful tool.
  12. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    Doors and switches that work on the same channel system as teleporters.

    I believe it was Ferrix that said they considered doing this but didn't have enough time to implement it.
  13. xWooden leafx

    xWooden leafx Ancient
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    this is more than just forge, but it kind of goes together. this is a copy from the desired custom games settings thread.
    first of all, a setting to create a "zone" in forge. you could than go into a checklist, decide whether or not it is an objective, kill barrier, etc. you could choose the shape, spherical, etc. you could make it have any player effect properties you want by setting it to "custom player zone 1, and than you could customize that in your gametype. so you could make an antigravity zone. or you could set it to automatically affect your person, so you could play standard gametypes on it. you could set it to have some sort of physical barrier too, but thats when it starts not being realistic, because of texturing and inability to control it budgetwise. it could have lighting effects, or it could be used in forge to group all items within that zone together. it could also be a spawn zone, with custom properties, set to something like, spawn : -100 or +100 or you could set how much players being an proximity to the spawn point/ in the spawn zone affect it.
    in customs, we really need a full list of options in all gametypes, such as spawn in vehicles or whatever. we also need to be able to mix and match, making multiple objectives at once. also, we need to be able to have phase gametypes based on score/objectives/time with the same options as invasion.
    custom gametype signs in the same way as emblems would be cool, but that crosses over into the realm of something that would be kind of cool but not really.
    also, in forge we need to be able to create priorities on initial spawns.
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    LOL it was a needle.... you know, needle rife? Yeah; fail.

    Most of these desired changes are impossible, several (such as different themes and non-canon weapons) could and probably will be implemented into future downloads, and a few are just not intelligent. They already put a MASSIVE tax on the server with the sheer size of Forgeworld, adding things like gas would just kill the framerate.

    Finally, more forge-ability on non-forgeworld maps pl0x!
  15. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    I would love to have a clipboard that groups of items could be moved to and then pasted from (great when you make an awesome base that you want to recreate for another team). The ability to have fire teams in more than just invasion and invasion slayer (perhaps done in Forge by linking spawns in pairs). I think the one thing that would just tickle me pink would being able to snap objects to certain angles, then select a different angle and move the object in increments of the new angle without the object moving once it's selected with a different angle. Being able to rotate an object about the axes would be amazing as well. I think it would be cool if we could erase portions of certain objects (i.e. erasing half of a two room building, leaving us with only one room without having to merge it into something to hide the other half). The removal of z-fighting would be quite awesome as well.
  16. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    Terrain editing? Adding plots of ground with a brightness changer would be helpful
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Terrain editing would be fantastic. I can't figure why they couldn't at least give us hills and large rocks (bigger and smoother than the sea stack and arch) that we could combine with basically flat ground and walls to essentially build our own terrain. Picture a canyon such as Forgeworld already has but with mostly flat walls and ground; then you can just add hills to the ground, or rocks to the walls, to change the shape. If they did a sandy version of Forgeworld, like Sandbox, you could add dunes and drifts to a flat desert floor. They don't need to be that complex in terms of polygons or aesthetics - mostly we just need them to match the existing terrain and for some of them to be BIG, so we don't exhaust our budget on them.
  18. SchizophrenicMC

    SchizophrenicMC Ancient
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    I can't believe this hasn't been mentioned, but skybox, particle, and lighting effects. Like, full-on ones, versus the very basic color-modifiers we have. Purple and Next-Gen make a good-ish night effect, but it's no Waterfront. Also, the waterfall being inaccessible kinda miffed me. Would it have been so hard to make the waterfall a particle effect? In that case, it would react with placed objects. Also, having particle effects in Forge would allow different weather styles, like rain. (Not snow, due to new textures, entirely, being needed)

    I like the above about more forge-ability in non-Forgeworld, and I agree that it would have been cool to have more terrain objects.

    If Reach is based on an upgrade to Halo 3's engine, it probably has the ability to spawn new vehicles and weapons, in DLC. I mean, the Golf Club and Transport Hornet are good examples of this. If this is the case, I don't see why it would be an incredibly big deal to, say, provide non-campaign weapons (I miss my Sentinel Beam) or "overpowered" vehicles. (Because I like the Grenade and Nose-cannon Falcons. Also, how cool would a Fuel Rod Shade be?) Maybe in the future.
  19. Mr Lamar

    Mr Lamar Forerunner

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    Something i would also like to see is some more scenery. Pelicans/Crashed Pelicans and things like that would add some interest to the map. A periodic stream of plasma rounds and bullet tracers going into the air would help a map feel more like a battleground. Also customizable ambient sounds would be nice
  20. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    Sounds like we'll need to wait for some super crazy awesome of Halo Reach: CE for the PC that will never happen. xD I miss my Halo PC modding days. :c

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