So here's a map that I've been working on for a while and I feel it has a bunch of potential. It's somewhat like Guardian's long lost cousin mixed with a little bit of Midship; At least, it was inspired by them. I welcome all comments and criticism as well as help with testing. Anyway, here we go! Assumption is a semi-symmetrical map floating between the spire and the island. It consists of two bases on opposite sides of an octagonal arena. There are walkways around the sides of the arena and always an exposed platform going through the middle. You can drop down to the bottom of the arena to exit, or simply leave through one of the bases. Once you leave the arena, there are three different areas you can go to. By going up the walkways or the grav-lifts in the base, you can get to the roof. The roof is pretty open, but has satellite attenaes forcing you to get close to one another. In the middle of the roof is the shotgun spawn. If you go down the walkways, or exit through the first floor, you get to the bottom platform. This houses the sniper rifle and has a ramp with access to the roof or to the tunnel. The tunnel runs all the way under the map from the bottom platform to under the far side of the roof. Once you get there, there's a man cannon waiting to whisk you to the top. The tunnel can also be accessed by dropping down from a hole in the first floor of the arena. EDIT: V.2 is now done, the drop down to the tunnel has now been turned into a full extra room with walkways connecting it to the basement tunnel. I was looking for a way to improve flow in and around that area and I believe I found the solution. Pictures to follow, eventually. Weapons: (Default spawns and clips) DMRx3 Assault Riflex2 Magnumx2 Needle Riflex2 Plasma Pistolx2 Needlerx1 Power Weapons: Shotgun- located top mid, 180sec. respawn, 1 extra clip Sniper- located bottom platform, 180sec. respawn, 2 extra clips Grenade Launcher- located first floor arena, 120sec. respawn, 2 extra clips TL;DR version: An overhead view of the map. A side view of the map. The map from another angle. A view of the middle arena. A view of the bottom platform (sniper spawn) A view of the top platform/man cannon landing area. A view of top mid (shotgun spawn) A view of bottom arena. A view of blue base. Red base is identical but reversed. A view of the man cannon. If you're interested in helping to playtest this map, let me know via a reply to this thread, VM, PM, FR, or any other acronym you can think of. I'm primarily on from 2:30-6:00pm EST on the weekdays and can usually be on almost any time on the weekends. Hopefully we can get something set up during those times, but I'm willing to schedule it for whenever will work for the playtesters.
i really like the layout pf the maps. It seems it could support some really good gameeplay. Add me also GT: OD iz GOD Im available during the week 3-4:30pm EST. And weekends about anytime i'm not doing anything so yeah I'd love to help with anything!
I've heard that they've been pretty overburdened with the number of new maps, so I'd rather do initial testing myself and submit a more polished version of the map to them.