Cortex Castle Hello, This is my first map posted to this forum. It is a race remake from the classic Playstation game "Crash Team Racing". It's Cortex's home track. You might remember this track, you might not. The spiders from the original game are replaced with falling fusion coils. I ran low on budget so I couldn't put a roof on. Either way, the track resembles it perfectly. Screenshots: The Draw Bridge jump at the beginning. The "Which Way?" turn. Outside portion (Rain starts). Spider in action. The second outside portion, before the stairs. The stairs. The window room with the shortcut before the big jump. The Big Jump Please give feedback and tell me if there are any errors. Thanks. This remake is a hope that others will remake some tracks from that game. Have fun!
OMG i know exactly what this is, when i went to my camp for the weekend i had a ps1 up there and all i play is CTR. This is a good remake but with the lack of fund in forgeworld displeases me haha.
Hell yes. I just recently got my psone back, and it's just awesome. Nice username by the way, Iron Maiden Rules!!!!!!!\m/ Thanks for the feedback. I really wish there was more budget...
I adore Crash Team Racing, so I downloaded Cortex Castle for a test drive. Overall, I was impressed. It's a shame that you didn't have the money for aesthetics, but the layout is dead on. From the jumps to the stairs to the dropping spider-coils, it was all exactly as I remember it. A must download for anybody who played CTR, and a good racetrack for those unlucky enough to have never experienced it.
Wow this brings back memories. All I remember clearly though is that window room and trying to make the shortcut.
Thanks for the positive feedback, I had my Playstation on a different input, so I just kept switching back and forth so I can get the track perfect. Unfortunately, I couldn't put the roof on the parts that needed the roof.