
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by DissYraiN, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    DOWNLOAD HERE: : Halo Reach : File Details





    New Alexandria City Council closed this park to the public due to lawsuits involving the lack of safety railings. 4-12 Players.

    inspired by Derelict, Gemini, and Ivory tower, this is an astetically pleasing 4-way symmetrical map. This map focuses on vertical gameplay and has 3 main levels with easy access between all three.

    Please download, comment, and have fun!
    #1 DissYraiN, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    sheer awesome. really nice map. the bottom layer and the overall structure just makes this map cool
  3. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    Also, thanks to ToastMan for the park bench idea!
  4. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    *Blush* Ahh shucks ;)

    But seriously, this map looks very good aesthetically from the screens alone. It has a flacor of a Marathon 2 Durandal map for some reason. I guess its the blue water up against alien structure in an enclosed space....I'm not making any sense but I KNOW WHAT I MEAN! :)

    Ima DL and check it out.
  5. TheUnseenForce

    TheUnseenForce Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Congrats DissYraiN on your second (I think) map! It looks great and you'll get my DL. It's neat how the top floor is like a cat-walk, but lack of railings DOES make an impact on the game. I made a map called Harbor (never posted it) which had a small amount of railings. My friends always complained about falling to their death while fighting. f you have already played some games on your map and this isn' a problem, leave it as is. This is just a suggestion.

    By the way, enoying your break from 45 degree insanity?
    #5 TheUnseenForce, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  6. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    Part of me wants to do a map with a combination of 15, 30, and 45 degree angles to really mess with people but I need to plan something out in my brain first. Actually, I was just starting a flame war on b-net with the creator of the map "Preception," the most downloaded disorient style map. Pretty much me being pissed that his piece of garbage has triple the downloads as my map only because it was released on the 9th of September. I mean, his looks like something an eight-year-old would make and I put in at least 30 hours to get Vertichron where it is now with complete playability.

    Thus I digress... you can see what I mean here: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Anyways, on to Council: This map originally started as something I tried to make based on all the catwalks during the lightsaber fight at the end of episode 1. The problem was that it was not really going anywhere save for part of it I made out of coliseum windows. I modified it slightly and bam- I had the center of the map created. After that I needed to make the idea into something that would promote vertical gameplay. I have seen many attempts at vertical gameplay and none of them worked really well due to the fact that the top is usually too powerful. Therefore I created multiple levels and ways to get safely and effectively between the top and the bottom. To further assist in reducing top control I added in glass covers on the lower levels.

    Objective placement in this map was a challenge. In order to balance it for every gametype, all the objectives and goals had to be placed on the same level for either team. This led to the seperation between levels of the objectives and the goals.

    Finally onto the aesthetics... The problem with many maps is that they just feel too plain. Maps are more enjoyable if they actually feel like an actual location with a story behind it. The look I felt most suitable was a futuristic indoor park. It just feels Halo...

    Thanks again for checking out this map. I hope you all have as much fun playing on it as I did making it.
  7. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    I could tell right away from the first screenshot this was going to be like Gemini! I really want to get a game going on this because I loooove vertical gameplay (construct is a favorite of mine). Plus this looks like a really pretty map, and I like pretty! I'll post again when I've had a chance to check out weapons/spawns/et alia.

    Thanks for sharing!
  8. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    Thank you. This map is most similar to Derelict, save for the middle "platform" is its own level above the second level. I loved Derelict from Halo 1 (not so much Halo 2) and I feel what I added to it makes it play perfect in Reach with armor abilities and all. The reason I mentioned Ivory tower and Gemini is because of the little spot of nature amidst the mass of alien/dead architecture
  9. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
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    I took a run through this map and it's definitely one of the best I've seen. The coliseum windows really go a long way to add to the aesthetics, and the multiple levels could make for some really chaotic FFA or TS. The water is really nice too. I do however have a question regarding the shield doors on the floor level. Why did you place them on the map? It seems to me that they just might get in the way. Anyways, kudos on the great map!

    Also, the benches are really sweet.
  10. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know what you mean.

    Anyways, cool looking map. Looks like some good times.
  11. EIite Grunt

    EIite Grunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    geometry looks interesting compared to other maps.
  12. DissYraiN

    DissYraiN Forerunner

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    Since the ground floor is the bigest playable area in a map that is fairly small from an aerial view I feel that the ground floor need as much horizontal cover as the upper levels of the map have. One of the problems with most vertical maps is that they provide only vertical cover which leads to bad horizontal play. I wanted to balance this out. Also since two of the hills/territories are in the bench areas I felt that they needed as much vertical and horizontal cover as the rest of the objectives.

    Shield doors make better barriers/cover than they do doors anyways. Using them to block an entrance promotes camping, so pretty much all I ever use them for is cover.

    If you all like this map, I have another one somewhat inspired by Elongation/Longest on the way with absolutely amazing natural asthetics. I'll post it very soon.

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