Hello Everybody, I'm kinda new here at forge hub ( First Post! ) and, I have a reason to be here. Ive been working on a map for 3 days, I know, not impressive by your guys standards apparently, and just wanted to show you guys a map I made. Lifeline, By Xx Pr0dIgY T xX Uploaded with ImageShack.us I'd like to start, this is a semi-symmetrical map (my favorite) and made entirely out of pieces and not the wonderful scenery in Forge World, which, was a mistake, I know, but i couldn't accomplish what I was trying to do with this map with any of the areas. This is where the 'nade Launcher spawns, Uploaded with ImageShack.us This is where the Rocket Launcher Spawns. Uploaded with ImageShack.us I apologize for the lack of pictures, but I don't have Bungie Pro, and I dont want to make more than one trips to my file share. Thanks for taking a look at my map, Positive (and Negative) Feedback is welcome, But Id rather no, "Why Is the R0cKiT LaWnChair so out in tha open!!1" Thanks again, have fun, see you in reach.
This map may be on the simple side, but that's the best thing about it in my opinion. I really like the four-way symmetry. Don't worry, I won't ask why the R0cKiT LaWnChair is so out in tha open!!1, but I'd like to ask about your choice of power weapons. The Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher are both heavy, splash-damage projectile weapons. My suggestion would be to mix things up a little. For example, I'd probably have a melee weapon, such as the Sword or Gravity Hammer, spawn top middle, and keep the Rocket Launcher where it is (having it on low, open ground is a nice place for it to spawn). By the way, welcome to Forge Hub.
I too would like to see the Gravity Hammer on this map... would make for some awesome push-off-the-map kills.
I never thought about putting a Gravity Hammer or Sword on the map, I just thought the 'Nade Launcher On the map was a good idea, but a Grav Hammer is actually a much better Idea, I might just do that, as soon as possible