Drive to Survive!

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by Deo2007, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Deo2007

    Deo2007 Forerunner

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    Drive to Survive!

    • If you are human, get in a warthog and get a gunner
    • if you are a zombie, destroy the warthogs and/or humans
    • oh and if you are the driver, prepare for some turbulance

    Zombie Traits
    • double sheilds
    • 300% speed
    • Hammers and Swords

    Human Traits
    • plasma pistol
    • 1.5 sheilds
    • in other words, get in a warthog

    This is my most updated map and gametype, as I gain feedback, I will update

    #1 Deo2007, Oct 18, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  2. mikeraz51095

    mikeraz51095 Forerunner

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    sounds fun you should make a map for this
  3. Stumanji

    Stumanji Forerunner
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    We played a gametype very similar to this in Halo 3 - but it had players driving a mongoose. It really was about "drive to survive" (though we did not call it that), not "Get on the Warthog Gun and get 48 kills in a row" as most gametypes like this end up becoming.

    Here's what we played:
    - Mongoose only
    - Shotguns / AR's for non-infected
    - Swords / Hammers for infected
    - Infected get no shields, 150-200% speed, partial active camo, and motion tracker
    - Non-infected get regular base traits, no motion detector

    It really becomes a matter of who is the better Mongoose driver. The hammers the infected use LAUNCH the Mongoose. If you roll, scramble to get back on the thing and get moving, because the infected are closing in fast. The infected partial camo (Poor Active Camo in Appearance settings) means they can get really close before you really know they're there.
  4. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You may want to give the infected a plasma pistol/grenade launcher so they can EMP the humans and make it more difficult to get a huge number of kills in a row.

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