Spawning Other Vehicles On Race Mode

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MrBeEfito, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. MrBeEfito

    MrBeEfito Forerunner

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    Hi, new here

    I've made a race map, starting on a mongoose, then onto a ghost, bashee and finally warthog before mongoose again at the start/end of a lap. Getting people to start the game on a mongoose is no issue. The problem is getting the other vehicles to spawn in the game mode. I've enabled map default vehicles and a bunch of other vehicle advanced properties in-game but nothing works and the vehicles never appear!
    Its only when i select to end the game that you can see the placed vehicles appear to a brief few secconds before hitting the title screen.

    Is it even possible to have multi-vehicle race maps?
  2. Crock

    Crock Ancient
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    I was pretty sure that you could spawn any kind of vehicle in your race map, but I'm not positive. (If you can go into the normal vehicle menu)
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    You can't set Race up with multiple vehicles. Mongooses, Banshees or Warthogs, you can't combine them in a single game.
  4. MONSTERheart

    MONSTERheart Ancient
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    Have you tried setting the label for the vehicles to "Race"?

    That might force them to spawn. Idk.
  5. MrBeEfito

    MrBeEfito Forerunner

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    Thanks for your replys. @white Its a realy shame it doesnt work. I should tested it before i spent hours making the thing!
    @monster yup, tried all that.

    At least i can used half the map and will loiter here more often!
  6. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    what you could do is make it a territories game with 1 sec capture
  7. fencerman333

    fencerman333 Ancient
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    I was trying to make the exact same idea, and i would end the game and they'd all appear at the same time. it was such a nice map too (imo), its a shame that it doesnt work/nobody figured it out.....
  8. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Yeah, the problem is that the Mongoose, Ghost, Warthog, and Banshee are all "reserved vehicles" in Race. By that I mean that if you go into the Race Gametype Options then you can change the vehicle a player spawns on to be one of those I just listed. Because they are "reserved vehicles" for Race, the game goes a but nuts if you try to add them to your map in Forge, regardless of whether you have the game set to allow vehicles on map or not.

    I could list the ways in which the gametype goes nuts, but I can't be bothered and it's not really relevant; the point is that you can't prevent it from happening with those vehicles because it's just the way Race is.

    The only thing you can do, if you want to allow the player to change vehicles, is to give them different vehicles to switch to that are not part of the "reserved vehicles" list. For instance, you could have them switch to a Tank, or a Revenant, or a Wraith, or a Falcon, or a Rocket Warthog, because those vehicles aren't reserved for Race so they will spawn perfectly fine and not do anything crazy.

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