Hello! I need a bit of help. I'm creating a game that (should) have multiple hills and multiple bombs. One team with multiple hills, one with bombs. First question being, is this even possible? I've been trying, but have a lot of problems. You CAN have multiple hills (bomb planting points), but only one out of the hills you created will have an actual hill marker over it. Can you make it so ALL bomb planting points have markers over it? Also, I can't create multiple bombs. Is THAT possible? No matter what variation of Assault I try to use, I can't configure it to have multiple bombs. Thanks for the help!
maybe its possible but... I know that multi bombing is possible if you have different teams, but that's probably not what you want, also you can change spawn sequences and spawn time, but once the object is placed on the map their isn't a way to take it off. You could try multiple bomb plant areas that spawn and when the timer is up place a 4by4 block tall over it at that spawn time. This way it can seem like hill spawning.
Yeah I don't like the new Forge 2.0 when it comes to placing objective and setting up custom gametype... seems like they removed a bunch of stuff that you could do in Halo3's Forge, such as placing flag/bomb spawn/score point locations separately, and spawning multiple bombs.