
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by schleb, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    no problems with this AA for me, but it reminds me of gears of war...especially when someone is armed with a shotgun...i dont know how many countess times in gears that someone didnt "shotgun-roll" to kill you.

    i had a pesky kid doing this to me the other day, although it wasnt as useful as gears, but he did get me a few times blasting out of his roll...

    does anyone actually use evade (spartan only) and find it useful only being able to dive twice before recharge time?

    *close-encounter situations dont bother me when people have evade on cause i have my controller set to 6 sensitivity so i can turn around quite quickly....

    (the reason i say spartan only is b/c ive only used evade while warming up in team objective...i havent played invasion or played as an elite so i have no comment to those particular game types)
    #1 schleb, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    im sorry but, "granite" ?? "in-counter" ?? c'mon man.
  3. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    lol yes...its true. sorry i didnt proof read before submit. i was typing fast and didnt catch that...thank you for pointing that out! haha
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    "Granite Is" was an in game AI that makes random bullshit occur randomly In Gears of war 1 and 2 multiple . Epic games made this AI specifically to help people out in multilayer by having it decide who lives and who dies in the very common "shooting-a-shotgun-at-the-same-time" situations.

    And I agree; Granite Is wasn't as useful in Gears of War 2 as it was in Gears 1 as Epic games reduced the amount of bullshit that occurred during the game, thus limiting Granite Is's influence..

    Edit 1: AWW schleb you ruined my joke! : (
    #4 Jupiter, Oct 19, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2010
  5. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Ignoring any language butchering, it is nice to see to see a thread which isn't filled with people bitching about silly little details.

    I think evade is good too. I admit that I do tend to use it like sprint too much and end up continuously tapping my AA to roll again! Just goes to show how different the AAs are, I initially thought sprint and evade were quite similar but the number of times zombies have caught me out by evading!
    It really makes some Infection games more tense though. In Halo 3 Infection could get a bit dull with the same people always being the last man standing, always being in a horrible place in front of a bottle neck and zombies lining up to be shot in the face.
    But in Reach, if you're the last man standing and you've got 7 zombies coming towards you, an evade is just the thing to put you off while you're carefully knocking them out with headshots!

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