Portal Kombat 2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Solid Bop, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    Video: ( i think this shows the map the best)
    YouTube - Halo Reach Forged Map: Portal Kombat 2 - Made By Solid Bob

    The Layout of the map

    U P D A T E D: the download link now links to version 1.5

    After listening to some of you guys feedback i have updated the rock ark in the middle with the central portal. the rocks look more natural now also made a wall in it, as shown on the pic below here, to make it a bit of a safer place, so you wont get shot from all sides. The rest of the map stayed the same, pictures in the rest of this post still show the old rock ark.

    Map Description:

    Portal Kombat is a medium sized map, not really a map with portals all over the place that make everything quite confusing, i bet its the first thing you thought when you saw the name. Actually its just 1 Sender portal in the middle of the map that takes you to random receiver portals on the map, the receiver portals are on the platforms
    on the walls, providing the player a good overview of the map but also a handy way to sometimes escape out of heavy battles that otherwise would have killed you, since it's random where you will end up the chance is big you can rest untill your shield pop up again. To make sure people dont camp to much on the platforms i also put some explosives on each platform. One simple nade (enough plasma nades on the map since they are more easy to get throw on the platforms) and the whole platform goes boom! The map provides enough cover and has some close, mid and long range combat.

    PS: It's called Portal Kombat 2 because its based on one of my old halo 3 maps: "Portal Kombat" which had kind of the same idea going as this map.

    1 Rocket launcher
    4 DMR
    2 Needler
    2 Sniper
    2 Needle Rifle
    2 Plasma Repeater
    2 Plasma Pistol
    12 Plasma Grenades
    4 Health Packs

    1 Ghost











    Hope you enjoy! feedback is much apreciated.
    #1 Solid Bop, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2010
  2. M1:K3

    M1:K3 Ancient
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    what is there to say but OH MY GOD !! this map is PERFECT !! !! !! ! I mean WOW !! from "A-Z" everything flows so well.. Dude !! be ready for a feature haha because this map RULES !! its EXTRA GOOD status.. GREATTTTTTT job, keep up the good work : )
    the one thing that would male this map even better, is if you would add other gametypes like.. Headhunters, stockpile ect.. but besides that AWESOMENESS !!
  3. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    best map ever

    this is literally one of the best slayer maps ever. this is probably one of the only 5 or so slayer maps i will download that is not a halo 1 sidewinder remake or something.

    Most other people just use montana area or the gap between alaska and montana or just use bridges and 1 or 2 buildings and forerunner structures above the water.
    these maps are really pathetic. however this is just frikin awesome. if it just was a little bigger. how about using the walls and make some tunnels or inside buildings

    this map definately deserves a feature. beyond almost all other maps. i dont say that lightly i am really critical.
    #3 firedrone8, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    ...If he is done, I would enjoy commenting on this. (No offence intended). I like the basic idea, its a good one, but this map is confusing the **** out of me. The walkways, bridges, and rivers present the most elaborate and well-made prospects of forgeworld slayer maps, but immured within this monument to talent is a patch of rushwork, and rips in this forged pattern of skill. I'm talking about the rocks thrown about the middle. They seem like time was taken in putting them in, but in a slayer map, their positioning is sloppy while the trajectory is unbalanced. They need to present a more 'closed' feeling. I understand you though it out to avoid a camping sanctuary, but there is an alternitive. It only needs to 'feel' closed, but it can be a danger zone, with easy ways to assault an entryman. I encourage you to build a feeling of relative safety in the middle area, in the hopes playes will come here more and stumble into the teleporter. Considering this will be apreciated.
  5. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    @confused flamingo

    apriciated and no offense taken, i do have to say that i dont think this map is confusing, its actually a pretty simple layout imho. its a rock in the middle with a circle path around it with 3 bridges, doesnt sound to confusing to me. about the rocks yeah i might have put somemore work in that.. have to do it with the rocks that are there though because i cant make any more. il see if i can make it better and make it a bit safer to enter, however the dish and the rocks do provide some cover, but gonna do my best, thanks :)
    #5 Solid Bop, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  6. Filjah

    Filjah Ancient
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    The rocks in the middle are all the same. They're the same rock. They are the same angle. It looks like copy/paste cover, no offense meant. Try replacing some with other rocks that do the same thing, spin them, turn one upside down. Make it interesting.

    Sorry just one of my pet peeves.

    Edit: BTW you got my DL
  7. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    @Filjah: your right, it was still the part that didnt 100% convinced me in being good enough.i think i released to fast. and il try to make it different. no offense taken, thats why its on this forum, to get feedback so its no prob :)

    @bloodyfox: thank you, and its cool to hear you remembered my old portal kombat :D

    @kill4overkill thanks! i dunno about getting featured, theres lots of awsome maps on here so... il let that for other people to decide :) and like some others sayed before, i think i have to fix the middle rocks a bit. i would love to hear some feedback after a match with more people of you, i dont know a whole lot of people on xlive so its kinda hard for me to round up allot of people to have good test runs.
    #7 Solid Bop, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2010
  8. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    Really wish there were more creative maps like this one, most of them are just an arena in the sky, blah blah blah. I love the feel of this map, but mabie you could remove a few explosives. 5/5.
  9. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks il take that in mind

    Added after 1 Day:

    uh why are some comments being deleted? saw i had some feedback yesterday night but didnt had time to reply so i wanted to do that today, but some comments just vanished? is that normal?

    TheorEDIT: It's called moderation. I deleted the spam posts.
    #9 Solid Bop, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
  10. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    They don't want you to know how good your map is.

    You see, the mods are jealous, and they don't want people to know that someone actually made a good map, so they are deleting comments like mine that are telling you that it is, in fact, good.

    So please, submit this map for a feature, and when it gets denied, tell the voters to shove it up their asses. Then, go to another website and post it there where it will get the praise it deserves without the Chinese Government restricting freedom of speech.

    Nothing worse than a website run like the Chinese government, and those websites don't last long.
  11. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    @EvilChameleon09: oh it was because they delete spam post or something i see now, mkay i guess.. anyway thanks for liking the map.
    #11 Solid Bop, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  12. fear technition

    fear technition Forerunner

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    I do like the map but i dont like how many weapons are on it. you have two sniper rifles very close to each other and two many grenades. i think with all the grenades it will be just a spam fest. also the portals just dont seem right to me. Sometimes you go through and your just looking at a wall. maybe if you made it so you had to grav lift up their or something. the rocket laucher just seems to powerful in this map. The rockets and ghost really arent needed in this map. maybe if you go with just one sniper rifle, a shot gun and a gravhamer it. I might be wrong but when i see how small this map really is it brings me to the halo3 map gaurdian.
  13. BRObliterator

    BRObliterator Forerunner

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    I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but this map reminds me of Battle Creek. That can never be a bad thing. :)

    I think the location of the map was expertly chosen, because it takes advantage of what forge world has to offer aesthetically.

    The only issue I can see is the mass number of grenades on the map, but I haven't given it a try yet so I can't say anything for sure.

    Really cool map though.
  14. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    the map is mainly made for team slayer so both teams are aible to pick up a sniper. for ffa they might indeed be a bit close to eachother. about the rocket and the ghost. you could be right about that.thanks for the feedback, havnt got any chance to ever testrun the map with lots of players, so its much apreciated. maybe i can tweak some things.
  15. roflcar 10

    roflcar 10 Ancient
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    Please, just PLEASE, submit this for the forgetacular contest.
  16. Magnus

    Magnus Forerunner

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    Hi, new to the forums. Based off my fly through, I'm impressed by this map you made. However, I have three suggestions:

    1. Either change the amount of red teleport recievers from 4 to 3, or change blue teams recievers from 3 to 4. That way, both sides have an equal amount.

    2. Change the blue light to a neutral color. I suggest changing it to yellow since you currently have yellow team spawn there. IMO the yellow does look good reflecting off the rocks.

    3. Small suggestion. Make the rocks behind the small circular ramps perfectly allign with one another.

    I kinda hate that the rocks that are part of the map are behind red. If they weren't, I'm sure you would have made the coliseum walls perfectly symmetrical. I really look forward to testing your map in customs with some friends. After I do, I'll give you futher feedback : )
  17. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    thanks for the feedback, to answer:

    1: i dont think it really mathers allot since its completly random which portal you will end up when you walk into the central portal.

    2: mather of taste here :)

    3: that could be done sort of.

    thanks for replying.
  18. Magnus

    Magnus Forerunner

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    I only suggest changing the blue light to a neutral color since the light is towards the middle of the map. Thus shouldn't have the color of either side (red, and blue).
  19. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
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    mkay i just added a blue light because i liked the color :p not to mark a "blue base/side" kind of thing. it could be any color, so i dont really see a problem the light beeing blue, just my opinion :) but all suggestion are welcome so.. :)
  20. Maverick2784

    Maverick2784 Forerunner

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    This has got to be one of my favorite maps on the forgehub. It looks good and plays better. I'm sick of looking at map after map on the hub that over uses blocks, platforms, and premade buildings turning the map into a mass of gray which amounts to a boring featureless map. Reguardless of whether it has flow or not, breaking up the color scheme allows the player to much more easily orient themselves versus seeing gray everywhere. Portal Kombat does this quite well and one can quickly and easily orient themselves using a few unique features of the map. The only aspect of the map I do not like is the walled off style of the map. While it's difficult to implement other ways to keep player in one area I personally do not like the walled of style it seems so fake. However that does not ruin this map, and actually since it is almost arena like in nature it almost complements the map. At the end of the day I would rate this map highly and recommend it to anyone looking for a new custom map to play.

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