So I am working on my first invasion map and have managed to figure out a lot about phasing objects and such... but I want to limit the battlefield to a certain size for phase one... then grow it for phase 2 then more for phase 3. The problem I am having is that neither INV_Weapen or INV_Vehicle is causing the CREATION behavior I am looking for. Any ideas gang?
You are going to have to explain to me the shape of your battlefield, but here's a tip that might work. You could take the opposite approach. Create a safe zone that is your battlefield, then make a killzone with a larger radius around that safe zone (I'm not sure if the safe zone overrides the kill zone and you can survive in that safe zone). Set the kill zone to INV_GATES, rinse and repeat for the next phase.
I can't help you much more than this Perhaps you're having a spawn issue? Set the Safe Zones' respawn time to 1 second.