When Gunner told me he was done with his first map already I knew that it would be good, he's been telling me how he looked forward to building it, and now that it's featured on Forgehub he says that's better than anything else. Testing his maps is awesome, I sat on top of the tree for awhile and just took it in. It's amazing, my favorite is the mancannon action. But it stinks getting killed when Gunner knows everything about his map. Good job buddy, I got on here for you.
Downloaded it and did a walk through, played a quick game of custom slayer on it last night while waiting for some friends to join to go on and play some big team battles last night. Using the map this Saturday night in a custom map tournament I'm setting up. We have about 5 teams of four set up at the moment. Hoping to have an equal number of teams. Anyone interested in getting a team together PM me and let me know.....8pm EST....Using the maps on my file share...some are mine (the ones names Mister's), some are other people's maps. Bungie.net : Reach : Player File Share
It's such a great map, but it just lags too much for me... Even in Forge. I would really love to see this in Matchmaking if it ran smoothly. It's not your problem though, Gunner. It's Forge's problem.
I'm new here and the first thing I did was checking out this map. It is just awesome and I would play many games on it if it werent for the lag. Very good job =)
This is easily the best map I have seen posted on Forge Hub and believe me I've seen a few. Good to see this getting featured.
Yeah I noticed that in the weekly update they mentioned something about that on Bnet but I wonder if they may have been talking about this map?....I didn't really have any issues playing on the map really but then again I never got a full 4v4 game going on. If there is a lot of lag for many people maybe eliminating the fancy light may improve that.
The tree in the map effects gameplay beautifuly. The entire map is perfectly balanced. Usually a most maps will have some tower or something where everyone wants to camp the entire game. Your map is equal everywhere, and makes for some of the most intense andexciting fun I have ever had playing with my friends. I can that a lot of effort went into this map design, and that you didin't just build while you forged. Congratulations on the feature! You most certainly deserved it