this is my Pillar of autumn slayer map its ment for slayer purposes only but if u decide to download this file you can edit the gametpes to your liking here are some pictures that show u the map. The pillar of autumn on the outside. The cannons leading into the hangar of the ship(the only way to get in without a banshee or falcon. the mac/man canon leading out of the ship landing near an energy sword(i dont know why this screen is so big...) the bridge of the ship(own fantasy) soldiers never sleep unarmed. this is where the soldiers eat(under sharp vision of their leader) the prisoners cage containing 2 'scary' prisoners xD the weoponry of the pillar of autumn( armor abillities not very good to see ) the last thing for the pillar is ofcourse he hangar. the attackers supplies; thats it! i hope you download this map( i would be very honored) and i hope you liked it ruubie5( i typed it 2 fast xD)
the foto's were not able to show on some kind of weird way:S but i'll put a link to my google foto album of the pillar. plz look at them and post your reactions here. thanks for watching and i hope you like it. i'll be posting a video of the pillar on youtube, my youtube nam is masterbobXD <-- copy paste.
Hey. I think you ripped this map from someone. I've seen this exact same map before, interior and everything Reported.