Boom!! In the face. So yea. This is my second post on Forge Hub (2nd account, first one I changed emails and forgot password etc etc etc...), and it's a fun one. Kinda. It's a good minigame I'll give ya that, TRY IT! Oh wait you don't know what it is! "I challenge you to a duel!" "Pistols at Dawn!" yay! How Pistols at Dawn works: Lets start of with a fabulous rendered video of a round of this One on One action: (How dose embed?) WATCH IT! : Halo Reach : File Details If you wanna skip this informational stuff, you can scroll down below the first group of pics. But this may help you. The basic idea is that you are in a perfectly timed duel, using respawn traits to do so. First, you spawn to your death in a horrible box of despair. So sad. But this happens because you can't acquire Respawn traits at the initial spawn, you have to respawn. Duh. These traits are as follows: -No equipment usage -No damage -Slow speed, 0% jump height (Not really significant but it adds to the Duel feel.) -10 seconds of that stuff. So with this knowledge, you now may learn how to duel: First: Know your dueling platform. Pretty nifty, right? YES Step Dos: DUEL! This is how you actually play. -When you respawn, immediately walk forward until you are on top of the white circle, and begin holding the ArmorLock button (It will not activate, but keep holding it). -As the "Respawn trait" counter ends, both players will simultaneously regain their ability to use armor abilities, and will activate as you hold it. -Look toward the enemy (Directly behind you) as your ArmorLock depletes. You both will run out at the same time, and who ever gets the first kill wins the round. (Refer to video if you have difficulty understanding) -5 Points per kill, 1 bonus point for headshots, 3 Rounds default. So yea that's pretty much it, me and my friends have had fun 1v1s with this, and I'm proud of this little accomplishment. It only took a day and is very simple, but again it is fun, and I pushed for quality. You can easily use different weapons as well, I've done sniper duels with Bottomless clip, its quite grand. Please download and tell me what you think! Happy dueling! Yes, the first picture does say "Dual". Because I'm dumb. But I fixed it! Unfortunately that was a sick shot and I didn't want to have to get another, so we will all have to manage. Here's the dL links again: Map, Dueling Platform Gametype: Pistols at Dawn
Looks nice but I don't think many people will go by the rules, they'll probably act "funny" then shoot you right as you spawn. Its a nice concept but the amount of "honor rules" that apply to this are just too great. I'll give it a 6/10* *Has the potential to be an 8/10 but due to lack of people who actually follow "Honor Rules" the score has to go down...
I did think of this, and I put as much in as I could think of to make it fair. But really I think it's a different mentality for 1v1, if your gonna play it your gonna play for its purpose. Still though, my little brother did the same thing you said. You are invincible for that time however.
I think its fine because the whole armor lock at the beginning isn't necessary. Some suggestions would be to make a timer . for example every second after the game starts a object spawns that way players tell when the armor lock fades. also put a small block in the middle and no jump height so players can't run up to each other.
I tried to make a sort of similar game type in halo 3 where first you were blocked off by walls but in about 10 seconds grav lifts spawned and moved the doors out of the way but it was never perfect timing every time. I think it would have been made better if you just spawned them back to back at the exact same distance from a pistol and they had to walk (like you walk 10 paces in an old fashion duel) and pick up their pistol, turn around and shoot.