What is this lever for?!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Jupiter, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    there is the other thing like this on Oni: Sword Base.
    just watched a video on youtube of it today.

    there are 2 hidden "doors" in the map, when both players click "open door" simultaneously, it starts a secret Race Mode for the level.

    so, most likely, there are multiple switches and you have to hit them all at the same time for something to happen?
  2. The Lone Wolf

    The Lone Wolf Forerunner

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    Agreed, It must be something like the reach racer. Also as stated earlier it's more than likely a 4 person simultaneous activation on legendary. As to what it does absolutely no clue.
  3. Kosmik Volfe

    Kosmik Volfe Forerunner

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    I love things like this, it makes playing the game so much more fun. This could be a possibility has anyone thought of finding all the data pads in Nightfall then activate the levers?
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Forerunner

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    Well I cant figure it out, I'm starting to believe that this lever is just a last minute design thing, I have tried EVERYTHING. Also I cant activate the lever. Like I said before, I must have hallucinated it because the lever is always in the downward position. Also in the second to last part of the level (Were you plant the bomb in the electromagnetic cload device and then fend off som hunters (power house at night)) There are 7 of those lever things in plain sight!

    Everything Includes

    -clearing out the first 2 areas on legendary all skulls on

    -pushing jun off the cliff and not killing a single thing by ninjaing passed everyone.

    -killing all the explosive objects in the area (there are a lot of them)

    -4 person legendary

    -shoving all the forklifts in the area into that below room.

    -Collecting all the shotgun ammo (which there is an unreasonable amount of in the first to parts of nightfall)

    What I found:

    -A super jump, using stairs - it is indoors so you die instantly upon performing it usually.

    -You can get on top of the level in a few places

    -There is a secret room in the first area that is only access able via window, there is nothing in it, and you cant fit through the window.... usually.

    -You cannot stealth your way through nightfall due to Jun being an idiot and shooting his sniper -usually missing/not killing his target - just to alert every enemy in the level to your presence.

    -There are two more weird ass lights in the level and they are right next to one in the lever room

    - There are 2 lever terminals (including the lever in the room) that both seemingly do nothing.

    - There are a considerable number "suspicious objects" in this part of the level that do not react to your actions at all.


    Anyone have a devkit?
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is interesting. I think I might check it out next time I'm on....
  6. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya, I think that this is just by design, nothing to do with anything, the only reason for the table and shelving unit in the room with lever is so you can get out. I think there nothing that it may do. Yet there most likely other easter eggs in this level and others in the game that we haven't found yet. And personally I want to find them. If anyone wants to go through the campaign and try to find other easter eggs I am happy to. But this is just a simple design area.
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Looking at the code, if im looking at the correct lever right now, it does absolutely nothing. The lights dont point at the lever btw, it just goes in whatever direction you shoot. I think this is similar to the hidden room on sandtrap+epitaph.... ;)
  8. HaloGoddess

    HaloGoddess Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am pretty intrigued by this. I love how Bungie likes to throw in these little easer eggs. It makes the game so much fun.

    I liked the 4 banshees that appear, but the thing that sucks about that is once you activate those switches for the banshees, you can not destroy the AA guns. They become invincible! What is the point of having banshees then if you can't destroy anything!???!?! D: haha
  9. Valor1204

    Valor1204 Forerunner

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    Destroy the AA guns first and then go back and activate the switch.

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