I know I'm upsetting some cosmic forum balance by asking this but... there's very little documentation online about how to use Forge for reach! I'm floating in forge world right now and in the Hemmorage area and I want to set boundaries and have no idea how to do it...I went through all the tools and couldn't find anything? Please help? And if anyone knows of some deep Reach Forge tutorials please point me in the right direction...
The articles in this group at Bungie should help out a lot: Click Here It gives you articles on how to set up every game type to work for your map, as well as giving you some other basic tutorials on spawning/object manipulation etc.
dude. thank you. Added after 1 18 minutes: Actually, that isn't helping. Can someone PLEASE take a second and explain to me how to set boundaries? (or better yet, link me to a page that does?) IE - (press x, go here, go here) The bungie link is like reading greek...
Well. In my opinion There are two choices. How I see it is that either you can just go to the default map, "Hemmorage" and delete everything but the safe zones and the death zones or you can go to forge world and place the safe zones and death zones and test out every corner of the map to make sure the map is in-escapable. In my opinion if you want to make a map just delete everything in hemmerorage. If you don't know what safe zones and death zones are well they are objects to help you keep your victims. I meant players from escaping from the map. P.S. I'm not sure if bungie included the death zones and safe zones on the default map but I'm pretty convinced (From my brain) they do. P.S.S. I forgot one more thing. My bad. Go to invasion and safe zones. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/105195-required-forge-objects-guide.html Happy Forgings, Jimmy
From the X menu, select "Spawning" then you have a few options. Safe zones will kill you if you step outside the safe zone. These are good for setting up the playable area. Kill zones will kill you if you step into them. These are good for bottomless pits and blocking camping spots such as rooftops. Each type of zone also has "soft" and "hard" versions. "Soft" zones kill after a 10 second countdown. "Hard" zones kill you instantly.
guys! thank you so much for the info... is there really no place i can go that will just give me a rundown and definition of everything in forge? i'd especially like someplace where i can see what each structure piece looks like. i can't believe bungie didn't do this already...how the hell is a newbie supposed to know what a hard and soft safe zone is??!? ok ok whatever...i think i got what i needed...now i have another question. i placed a mine...and i placed a propane tank too close to it and they blew up. now the mine keeps spawning and immediately blowing up. and there doesn't seem any way to stop it! any ideas guys? [br][/br]Edited by merge: so rex...if i go into hemmorage i can change the boundaries of the safe zones? how would i go about doing that? i'm sorry for being such a noob...and if any of you are interested, send me your xbl names and i'll recommend my map once its done...i might be a noob but i know what a good map is...this baby is going to be all out warfare!!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: has anyone written a printable tutorial? [br][/br]Edited by merge: also...i was trying to put the alien turrets that shoot plasma blasts...i don't see them. i also saw a falcon that shot grenades...that isn't there either...are they not available?
Ok, I'll try and answer some questions here. For the explosion thing, spawn a new propane tank or landmine, press B, then select Delete All of These. To change the boundaries of safe zones, find the safe zone (it looks like a green shield), press X on it, then change it's radius/top/bottom. You can change it to box shape and then change all of that stuff. If you can't find it, you can spawn another one, do a Delete All, and then put your new one. I don't know of printable tutorial but I haven't looked for one. . . As for alien turrets, I believe the only two are the plasma turrets under Covenant Weapons and shade turrets under Vehicles. And I don't know of any Falcon that shoots grenades. If it's not under Vehicles then it's not there. I hope this answers your questions. ^^
ok thanks...sucks about the tutorial...i can't believe that... [br][/br]Edited by merge: is there any way to force one team to spawn as spartans? [br][/br]Edited by merge: also: i set up my map in forge world, making the safe zone around hemmorage. i set up the spawn points for both teams. for some reason, the game is still spawning my guys outside of hemmorage...which leads to automatic death. its really annoying! anybody know why this is happening???