I'm building a map for Forgetacular, and I had some Heavy Mancannons that would launch players perfectly from one side of the map to the other (much like the cannons in Narrows). They worked great until I turned off my Forge invulnerability, and then I realized that 9 times out of 10, the landing was fatal. (stupid fall damage...) When crouching, the survivability of the landing is slightly better, but it still leaves you completely vulnerable, with no shields and only a tiny bit of health left. Is there any way to angle the landing zone or do something so that it doesn't hurt quite so much?
Put a grav lift or man, cannon light at the other end so that players are launched into that and hopefully slow down.
Yeah, I thought of that, but unfortunately this is a multi-tiered symmetrical map, so I'm all out of Grav Lifts...I really wish Bungie had added like a padded floor item or something that fall damage doesn't apply to...
I have often seen people put one way shields floating in the air, when you hit the orange side at high speeds it will slow you down but still allow you to pass through safely... You could try that.
Question: Do one way shield doors reduce fall damage? You can either lower the platform the man cannon is on or raise the platform you're landing on. If all else falls, use teleporters.
One way shield doors completely negate fall damage if you hit the orange side and don't hit anything else while "bungee-jumping" through it and back, but it looks kinda tacky just floating in midair, so that's why i'd prefer not to use them.
You could add a midpont platform that has two soft lifts in either direction, but then you have a floating platform which can also look tacky. Also, why did bungie make a grav lift that kills you when you use it?
it doesnt even need to be the red side of the one way door. If a player falls through the door from the blue side it slows them down.
I tried this on my map, but i found if you were traveling to fast you just go straight through the sheild door!!! teleporters just sent you flying out the other end at such great speed that you would cross most of the canyon, hit the wall and then die from the impact!!! in the end I just put a custom powerup there with instuctions on the file share to set it to invincabillity for 5 seconds.
That's a really bad idea, because mot people will ignore it or not notice and think your map is terrible. If you're willing to put a little effort into your map, you can make the landings for the mancannons tilted so the surface the person is landing on is almost parallel to their flight path. That will reduce the impact speed at least enough for the person to survive if not take no fall damage.