Yeah, lame topic title. Anyway, I'm joining because I like, obviously, the Forge in Halo 3/Halo: Reach. I'm not as good as a lot of people, but if I had to put myself on a scale of 1 - 10, I'd go with 3.5/10. lol So...hi. I really don't know what else to say besides I'm good at Team Swat. :| EDIT: IGNORE Hospital in my File Share...bad idea.
Welcome! There's really not an in-born "good at forging scale", it's just a matter of knowledge, creativity, things like that. So, just a little work and you'll be just as good or better than the vast majority of people out there.
lol I bet. I decided to go into Forge on Powerhouse. I just dropped my controller when I saw how many initial spawns, capture plates, objectives and hill markers there were. It was just mind blowing. Oh, and I was wondering about something; being the whole certain forge editing style for the items in Forge. What is that all about, because I can't understand it at all. D<
Forge editing style? Also, once you take those objectives and spawns one by one you'll find it's much less complicated than it looks. In fact, I'd say Bungie's spawn/objective work could be vastly improved.