Well I just watched the first 2 movies of the original trilogy with my college swim team. We've got a girl from Brazil who's never seen the Star Wars films and has barely heard anything about them. Well when it came time for Vader to announce who he was to Luke (I don't know how to put spoiler tags so I won't) well, to say the least she freaked out. I know it's hard to imagine really but when The Empire Strikes Back came out no one saw it coming (hence why I'm not putting the exact nature of Vader's confession as not to ruin it for those under rocks or the equator who have not found out.) Lucas even had the voice of Vader record what he was saying in secret so that when the movie came out and the people working on it saw it even they were amazed. However nowadays it is a well know troupe. I've seen it referenced in so many cartoons and such, and really I think it's a shame. It was such a great twist that nowadays if anyone tries something even remotely like it people catch on immediately. I know Inception left you thinking as you left the theatre, but when was the last time when a movie got people to, well to quote the Brazilizian "GASP. UUuuuH, No, no. NO, nonono. Is it true, is it true? No...." I'm thinking the last time something had that much shock value was Star Wars itself, and it was probably the first time too, and it was so great now no one else even tries it because unless they pull it off perfectly then someone will catch on. I mean it doesn't have to be the same exact thing but still, I've seen nothing with that kind of shock value. Building you up to see a character as the supreme evil, and to make you care about the fate of the hero so much, only to, well, you know. Ultimately I feel robbed that I am not a bit older. The first Sar Wars movie I remember seeing was Return of the Jedi so I've known the twist as a basis of fact the entire portion of my remembered life. Thinking about it it was one of my earliest memories. Now seeing the effect it had on her I just want to know, how long until the next great twist comes along. Not some M. Night. Shyamalan, single movie twist, and not some Shutter Island/Inception "well, was that how it happened, what really happened," thing were the director just leaves you a little loose end that unravels the entire stroy just the right way to make you wuestion it. I mean a full-out "GASP. UUuuuH, No, no. NO, nonono. Is it true, is it true? No...." Oh, ya, and when Lando got Vader to come too and meet Han, that freaked her out too. She didn't see that coming either. So, what do you think?
I think she was overreacting a bit really. Kinda surprises me, whenever you mention star wars to someone who's never seen it, the only line they seem to ever quote is "No, Luke, i am your father." Brazil's hardly the third world, how has she never heard of star wars :S
I don't know how she didn't know. She had heard "may the force be with you." but she didn't know where it was from. And I read a documentary on Star Wars and her reaction was actually pretty typical.
I believe it. This is most likely the case for many things that we know of, understand, and feel about; we take for granted the history of the nature of those things, and where they came from. And Star Wars was definitely epic. I also agree with you on the feeling that you feel robbed. I was too young to see it back then as well, and most of my relatives were already big fans of it, so by the time I was a toddler I already knew who Darth Vader was and that famous line. Yay Star Wars!
I'll be the author of the next great twist for a plot, and it wouldn't be revealed as a twist until near the end. One of those mindfucks that makes you just think about about everything you just saw and make ALL of it make sense immediately. Hint: Its a sort of paradox.
I heard Bruce Willis was dead but supposedly people interacted with him anyway so it ruined the movie, either that or it was one of those Steven King novel-book things that had that problem. I'm just kind of ticked that the main thing people think of as a plot twist is finding out a piece of information that has been there all along.
I actually completely believe you. Here's why: Back in the 80s (When the Star Wars trilogy began) the dominating adult leaders, meaning the people that held carriers such as George Lucas and other screen writers, were brilliant. Just as brilliant as the other generations that came before them. But, if you haven't noticed, their children (or otherwise, the adults that dominates today's leadership) are a bunch of dimwits. A perfect example is politics in the United States (not to compare Star Wars to politics). We have become divided in Congress and gridlocked Washington, which is exactly the opposite of what you need to run a united nation. It's simple logic that they fail to see. So, anyways, it's us (today's youth) that will fill our failed parent's shoes and create these plot twisting stories that the screen writers and directors of today fail to produce. And otherwise fix all the issues our sub-par parents caused.
Wow redneck, thats actually a little part of the backstory to my idea for a plot... creepy. And @ richard, mine hasnt persay been there the whole time as it hasnt happened until the end. Closer to on topic: anyone excited for the starwars mmo to come out? I'm probably goin to be a smuggler so I can have a wookie.
@ Redneck: I don't thoink that having the diversity in thinking that we have in washington is the problem so much as their inability to communicate without hypocrisy.(spellcheck?) For instance my dad's a hardcore republican so I'll insult the democrats a little here, before Obama was elected he got most of the democratic politicians to promise not to put any more earmarks on bills if he got elected, which really wasn't done "often" (in quotes because I have a biased perspective) by republicans. Come Obama's election and the health care bill and "no republicans" put an earmark on the bill, yet the bill had a "record" as having the highest number of earmarks ever. Against the rebublicans, they claimed no one insulted Obama, then ignored it when it did happen. (Though, to be honest there has been some crappy stuff that's happened to people when they insult him) The diversity and disagreements are needed and they've always been there, it's just no one's willing to sit down long enough to talk them out, and to often they take short-cuts when they come to a decision. I'm just kind of mad because that's exactly how WW1 started. Also, Star Wars is a perfect symbolism for government. Just today in my history course my professor said that the stormtroopers were meant to represent ****'s. When a stroy is based on all that history (Jedi=Samauri/knights etc) then it has to get somethings right. @Rook: Why couldn't you be a wookie and something besides a smuggler. What if I want to be a wookie assassin. I want to be the stealth wookie.
Well, all you did is rephrase my comment. Its this sort of bull-headed disagreement that has plagued Washington. Before their time the Republicans and the Democrats could at least work out an issue. I believe this has officially gone off topic. NO MORE. Gawd.