Remake Nightfire - Phoenix Base

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Krobelus, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Krobelus

    Krobelus Forerunner

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    Hello everyone.

    I recently joined these forums, because I had no idea such a community existed. And now I'm a little self conscious of showing my map, because of all the skilled maps I've seen prior to posting this topic.

    In any case, this map is a remake of the Phoenix Base map from James Bond Nightfire. Many people remade Goldeneye maps, or maps from other games so I wanted to so something no one hasn't yet, and I think I did a decent job. I don't have screenshots prepared, but I do have a video:

    YouTube - Halo: Reach Forge - Phoenix Base

    On the hanging platform in the center, I placed a Rocket. In the main room on one side of the map is a Sniper along with some grenades. The other side of the map holds two Shotguns. I have changed some contents of the map up a bit, as you'll recognize in the video. I gave some more cover fire in the more open areas on the first floor. So far it works with Team Slayer, CTF and KotH. I also, at the time, didn't know about the giant sun object that kills anyone who touches it, so I may change the pit area if I make a V2.

    I hope you guys enjoy it. I would love feedback and constructive criticism, for I would love to become better at using the Forge.
  2. Toastman 500

    Toastman 500 Ancient

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    Dangit dude I was gonna do this but you beet me to it. However, your remake itsn't perfect. The middle bridge at 0:34 is rectangular, and the antennas supporting it should be farther apart. at 0:51 having camping chairs and computer monitors were needed in that room, at 1:41 you forget the helicopter/tank (should have put fusion coils). At 2:08 you forget the 'camping crates' on the wall, at 2:24 there shouldn't be any blocks on the bottom level except for the few next to the turret. At 2:28 there shouldn't be any cover there, and you forget the other tank/chopter. At 2:42 there shouldn't be a bunker where the turret is. Also, try to lesten the amount of power weapons on the map, include more pstols and ars, and maybe a focus rifle. Oh and you should have made your 'pit' water and put a kill barrier in it. Other than that you got the map right.
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Or, he could make a version with slight changes to enhance gameplay.

    Anyways, this map still doesn't seem like something I'd see myself playing a lot. The top level seems to have all the power weapon spawns, and has some of the only cover in the map. While I haven't actualy played Nightfire in Goldeneye 007, I'm pretty sure the bottom would need a lot more cover, and more ways to get up for it to play succesfully. Basically, the top dominates the bottom in every way imaginable. Players have little to no reason to ever leave there.

    Also, some of the rooms look like absolute campfests. Shotgun and Sniper spawn are both incredibly one-sided rooms and, while there are two entrances to them, those entrances are basically coming from the same direction.

    One last thing: Consider adding more cover to the top. Not neccesarily cover against the bottom, but cover against other people on top.

    Cheers, and good luck with a V2.
  4. Krobelus

    Krobelus Forerunner

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    Thanks Toastman 500 for your suggestions. The reason why I didn't do water (which is actually a great idea) was because I did this in the hanger bay that you start off in. I'll consider remaking this map, however this is almost exactly how it was, minus a few details.

    Still being new to Forge, I was never sure what a kill barrier or safe zone was, which is why I never used one.

    This map was never in Goldeneye, this map was in Nightfire (another James Bond title) for the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube. The bottom is actually more barren, with less weapons and cover, while the top has a lot more. I suppose the original would be considered not a very good map now that I think about it. But being the smallest one in the Nightfire series I figured it was worth a shot, for practice and whatnot.

    In the original the shotguns are in that room, as is a major weapon in the center (usually a sniper now that I recall). I'm considering remaking this over water, as it's probably a much better idea than the hanger.

    Thanks for the feedback and criticism, I'll be sure to work on a V2. =)

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